Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 40, 3 November 1893 — The Imperial Birthday [ARTICLE]
The Imperial Birthday
— The birtbday ofHis Itnperial Japanese Majestv has beea j celebrated doriog the day by the Jap«nese Colony in Honolnlu. i and all over tbe country. Tbe day is obsprved as a geuenil holij day by ail the Mikado’s snbjects iu Hawaii. Tbe Japauese Governraent Agent. ConsuI Oeneml S. Jujii. has held a reception dnriug the day at the Legation and received manv callers with his usual hospitalitv. j The Hawaiian Governrnent sent the Band to play at the Legation 1 from 10 to 12 o'eloek. At 12 I o’eloek the U. S. F. S. Philadelphia fired a salnte of 21 gnns in honor of the day. All dipl 'iuatic and consu!ar llags are tUing. This evening at seven o’eloek there will be a nieeting at the Beretania Street Arraory. where the fo!lowing programrae will be carried out: Atthe Armory, from 7 to!0 p. m. 1. Object of meeting—liev. K. Oku. 2. Reading Imperial Message— S. Fnjii. 3. Congratulations—Mr. Sugiyama. 4. Speeches—Messrs.Aoki.Uchida. Midzano and Ono. Then three cheers will be given for the Emperor. Light refreshments will be served at tbe armoiy. There are raany private parties and gatherings among the Japanese residents in ditferent parts of the town and all are bent upou having a good tirae.