Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 40, 3 November 1893 — WATER OR NO WATER ? [ARTICLE]

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Under the MonHreby, waterraW j»Hvers used to receive some consideration frotn the 8uper iutendeut of ‘Walen Works, but they get blamed little uow. Complaints reach us uearly every day froiu persons holding water privileges, of the inauner in whieh they are treated. Withont any prior notice whatever, the water is shnt off frorn part? of the city when the whim suits the Suj)erinteudent to do so eompelling j>eople very frequently to dispens** with their raonnng bath. and sobjccting thcm to other inconveniences. Fonner Superintendeuts always gave uotice to the pubhc of their iatention io shut off the water wheuever it became necessary to do so. Now, it is an every day oocurrence. It is about time tbat the present rotteu systetu was cfcanged.