Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 40, 3 Nowemapa 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Criterion Saioon PFR AUSTRALIA. another Invoice of the celebrated JOHN WEILANO EXTRA PALE LAGER BEER. Also. a Fresh I.wok e of California Oysters FOR 0YSTER COCKTAILS L. H. DEE. Proprietor. iUST ARRIVED. « V* w, W 1 Baby Carriages OF ALL STYLES, dai<pel$, lV|at$, IX THE LATEST PATTERXS. “HOUSEHOLD” SewinQ[ Machines o Haxd Sewixg Machixes, With the Latest Improvements”^3 PARLOR Organs, Guitars, Aml 0therMti8iei»l Instrnments. \Vines, liquors, Beer ALWAYS OX HAXD, AXD FOR SALE BY ED. H0FFSCHL4EGER & G0. King St.. oppo. Castle Jt Cookc’s. HO YEN KEE & C0,, Tinsmitbs and dealers in Crockery ware, Glassware. etc. Water Pipes Laid and Repaired, Plnmbing Xe«tlv Execnted. No. 41 Nnnann St., between Kinp and Hotel Streets, Aseu Building. W1NG WO TAI & Co.. Xo. 214 Numinn Street, C0MM1SSI0N MERCHANTS. Importers «nd Dc*lers in GL’.VL MERCHA KD1SE. Fine Manila Cigars, Chiuese and Jap.i ne>e C rock’ rywnre, Ma ttings Vases of all kinds. Camphorwooil Trnnks, Rattm Chairs, a Fine Assortment of Dress Silks, Best Brands of Chine>e and Jap>»neso Teas of Latest Import«tions. Inspectioo of New Goods Respectfuīly Solicited. Mi.tnal Tel. 2t>6. P. 0. Box 158.