Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 40, 3 November 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
3fnsuranrr 2lotirr$. MAEINE INSUEANCE, Thk Uni>kksi«vkd U authorizt*U to take Manne Risks -ONHulls, Cariroes, Freis£hts and Commissions, a« ( urreut Hates in the following Companies, viz: Allianee Assurance Fire $ Marine, - Lonāon K 'ilhelma uf Madgehurg Gen’l. Ins. Co. iiun Insurance Co., - - San Francisco .1. H. WALKEK, Ag«nt tor Hawaiian Islands Telephones; Bell 351. Mutaal 417. Residence : Mtitual 410. P.O. Box 117. E. B. THOMAS, - s Contractor d Builder Ejstimates Given on All Kinds OF HHIIi IHIIN, ST0S( i Mii ilHIK All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade, Attended to. KEEPS FOR SALE: l!rick, I.ime, Ceinent. Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings, Old & New Corrugated Irou, Minton Tiies, Q uury Tiles, assorted sizes and colors; Cilifornift and Monterey Sand, Grauite Curbing and Blocks, etc., etc. C Comer King <51 Smith Sts. OFFICE <ft YARD: Office Hours, 8to 12 M., ( 1to4P. M. Holomua ♦ Publishing ♦ Co., PUBLISHERS OF THE * 4- " HAWAII * • H0L0MUA. A. .īoumal i8sued Daily, (Snnday excepted) fu t!ie English langnage. and pledged in policy to sapport l!-.e Riohts *np Premleges of the Hawahan People, the iv*ereste of the Uboring men. and good and bonest GovernC3»‘nt for the v.*h«'le country. J()B PBLNTERS A ' B*w and Job Prixting neatly execnted at short notice and at m<xlerate figures. BILL HEADS, CARDS. LETTER HEADS. POSTERS. etc., Pinished in First-Cl*ss style. I>li«nd Orders solicitcd and promptiy attended to. *r : Thoiras’ BIock, King Street. Honolulu, H. I.