Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 40, 3 November 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
NOTICE. • TLe unden>igned hasreceiveil from the Ei>tern St The Largest Single Order of Billiard Material ever imported to the Islands It conclodes as foilow> Cloth,3 grades; Cnes, asssortod; Cushions. [by Blook, patent]: Billiard Balls. Composition and Ivoiv; Pool, “ “ •• Tips, Chalk; Pocket Castings with leathers, and friuge complete; Poekei nettirgs, fringe an>l leathers; Rubber covers; Court Pluster. green and black: New stvle ehalk holders; Triangles; Shake balls aud leather bottles; Pool pins; Markers, etc., eto. Tbe above go*'ds have been purchased at reduced rate>, aml the nndersigned is now prepared to do anv aml ail kinds of BILLIAR1) TABLE WORK at reasonable rates with dispatch. Also new and secou 1 hand Billiard and Pool Tablts for Sale. Please apply to J. P. EOWEN, Perry Block, Hotel St. Honolulu A ViST l*RO.FECT C0NSTANT LINE 0F SCH00NERS —Aiple OpportlIBĪty for ALL! Owing to onr constantly increasing bnsiness and the great demand of au appreciating commuuity, we havj} eouclnded to otler an opportunitv to all parties having eapiial* Our LINE of SCHOONERS inay be seen gliding over the BAR filled to their utraost carrying capncity with clenr, eool ami invigorating Fre &" ur9 1LASER BĒER Atthe “Anchor Saloon.” To accommodate our Vast Fleet of Schooners, ve have built a fine large Refrigerator regardless of cost. Is the only plaee where a Cool Glass of Fredericksburg Beer on draught ean be had in Honolulu. Step forwurd gentlemen, NOW’S the Time. oel-4 3m
I MORTGrAGEE’S N()TI( 1 E OE FORECLOSU RE In accordam-e witn the provi§i..r. < i acertain Mortgage, ma.le by Kamee honna of Welok», Hilo, Hawaii to Ah , Hing dated Jnlv 7th, 1890, recorded i?» | Liber 1:6, oage 157; uotice is hert-by given that the Murtgagc intend :<> forec!oee tbesame tor condi:ion? br<->ken , to wit:the non payment of Fr. I f and Interest when dne. [ N- tice >e Iikewi8egiven Uia: after the expirat’onof three weeka fn»in the <f:-.'e 1 of this notice tbe property c«>rivej- *♦ . by said Mortgai« wiil be a<lvertiee<l fnr i sale at Public Auction at the aueiien rooniB of J F Morgan. ir Honolnm. oa Monday tbe i*Om day of Nuveiube.-, 1£V2, at 12 noon, of said <lay. Further particular<« ean b- ha<' f Wil laai C Aehi, Attorney at Law. Dated Honoluln, Octobēr 25tb, il' 3. The prenii«e«. covered by san< nK.rt gage, conmst of: 12 ae re» sitoate<l af We’oka. Hilo, Hawaii. and Jescribed in Ho>a< I * nnmber 1032 in the name <-f Kaio-v piialii. oct. .<, BAY H0RSE%? 8A100N ! Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. W. S. LUCE AVine and Spirit Merchant AH HINU. Mortg »ē. FAT BOY." P. McINERNY, Fropkiit<>*;. Cor> ek Bkthex avi> H«tu St~. Oamphell Fire-proof M».k, MERCHANT ST HONOLULU
MORTGAGEE’S NOTICE 0F FOKESLOSUKE. In accordance with the provisions of a certain mortgnge. made by C AI.APAI to Isabbella A Aehi, dated October 5, 1S9... recorded in Liber 145, page 24S; notice is hereby given that the llortgngee inteuds to foreolose the same for conditious bruken, to wit: non-payment of piineipal. Notice is likewiae given that after the exp.ratioc of three weeks from the date of this nodce, the property conveyed by said mortgage will be a<lvertised for sale at pnb lie anction, at the auction rooms o( Jas. F Morgan, in Honolnia, on MONDAY, the 20th day of November, 1893, at 12 noon of said day. Fnrther particn)ars ean be had of Wm. C Aehi, Attorney at Law. Dated Honolnln. October 26, 1893. I8SABELLA A. ACHI, Mortgagee. The premises covered by said m<jrtgage, oonsist of: All those premisea sitnated at Kapalama, Hoholnln, Oahn. and more particular described in a partition deed between W C Aehi and said C Alapai, recorded in Liber 125 page I: oontaining au area of l-iO of an acre; and being a part of tbose premise>> knowa as Apana 1 described in Royal I’atent, nnmber 687, granted to Keliipneaina. oct. 28-3w NAĪIONALIR0N W0RKS, Qceen Street, Between Alakea ā Kiehanl Sts. THE UNDEES1GNED ire prepared to niake rli kinds of lr»n Bmss, Bron*e, Zinc. Tin and Lead Casdngs. Alao a General Repatr Shop for Steam Engine«, E:oe MilLs Corn MiUs, Watet Wheels, Wind Milla, etc. Maehioee for the Cleaning of Coffee, Ca»tor OUa, Ueaaa, Eamie, Sisah Pinoapple Leaves k other Fibrons Plants. And Pai*r 8tcck AL i Machir.es for Eitiacting Starch from the Manioe, Arrow Boot, etc t3T AU Orders prompt!y attended to. WHITE, RITMAN « CO.