Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 39, 2 Nowemapa 1893 — All She Wanted to Tell Him. [ARTICLE]
All She Wanted to Tell Him.
A Scotch woman was returning hy train from a market town where she had made a few purchases. Jus‘. as the l>ist bell rang. a fussy gent!eman, elegantiy dre?sed, and with a raan-m:nd-thyself-looking face, rushed ioto the c*mpartinent tinng himse!f h*stily mto a coroer, pulled out an evening pai er and pr ce< d*-d ,to devour its contents. Hard!y Iiad he heeome seated when the womaa timid!y addressed him: “l'm very 9, rry, sir, but — “I n* ver lieten to bt ggars," fiercely interrupted ihe genlleman. “if you annoy me further 111 report you.” Kir?ty's eyes flashcd. then twinkled; she said no more, and the eholeric gcntleman retired, with an angry frown, behind his paper. All went merry as a dinner hell nntil ihe train arrived at Cromlade. wheu Kirety, steppiug out, again addressed the churlish individual in the corner: “I care na, sir, whether ye report me or no, but I want tbat pun’ o, butter you bave been sitttn’ 011 f<>r the last sax milee.” —Tit