Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 39, 2 Nowemapa 1893 — MR. BLOUNT'S REPORT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Hawaiian Question to be Settled bya Vote of the People. ( \1'ashington Xews, Oct. ōth ) Tbe result of Commissioner Blount’s mission to Hawaii is no louger a secret. The Hawaiian question was one of the legacies whieh eame to President Cleveland from the last Administration and his first step in tbe matter was to send Mr. Blouut to the i-slands iu order that a thorougb uuderstauding of the situation might l»e had before the Government committed itself to a policy. The fruit of a residence there whieh extended through the spring and suiumer was an exhaustive report, dealing with the question in all its phases. This report Mr. Blount brought to Washington wheu he returned two months ago, and its recomraendations havo been a car fully gnarded secret. It is now stated N that the eomraissioner advises no arbitary action by the Uuited States, but his recommendations are that the question shall be settled in a manner whieh is in harmony with the fnndam e n t a 1 principles of that government. It is in efiect that no action should be taken by the United States to annex the island or establish a protectorate over it without the fuH consent of all the natives. The report recomraends that all (juestious involved in annexation and the establishment of a protecrorate should be submitted to a vote of all natives,’as well as foreigners, and upoa their decision rests the futnre policy of the United States respectiug tbe Hawaiian lslands. The adoption of such a course, it is said by those familiar with the iuterual afi'tirs of the island, would be a death blow to annei ation. Ihe natives as a whole are friendly to the dcposed Queen. and if the ballot is allow- , ed to settle the futnre i»olicy of the Government in reganl to the raatter, tbere is but slim prospect of the Hawaiian lslands heeoming a part of the territory of the United States. Look out to-morrow for J. P. Powen s advertisement of all materials necessary for Billiardtables. There are no reasons for anybody owning a table not lo have it in first class condition as all that is needed is to press the button and Bowen does the 1 rest.