Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 39, 2 November 1893 — TOPICS OF THE DAY. [ARTICLE]

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Tbe annexation orRans bere are evidently snrprised because the monarcbical form of government is to be restore«l in Brazil aml tho Braganza dvnastv onee more sit on that throne. The revolntiou whieh led to the overthrow of Dom Pedro was a verv abortive !*ll iir. lt was received with certain degree of eclat and popniarity. becanse it was illnrnin;»ted with the usual big sounding emptv pbrases abont the liberty 0 f t . • people, tbe freedom of the a;. the rights of Ihe citizens, v il • iukled with tue usual h ed remarks about “the / »l.o of the monarchy” “the {/nnny of the Emperor’ and a ii! ir rot. The Brazilians v • 1 with some enthusiasra i ,ning of tl;is pyrotechni«a. humbug and then they w np to tho reulization that th<'\ had hoen saddled with a fiii; ;steriug corrupt aud despotic j gOvnment while they bad discard<<l a wise eeononiieal and gonn<i i ule. fhe Brazilian eapital -ts who were the main sntferers id among whom there are mair. {.<i<-igners naturally started to «i k :< nd the resultof the kiek (abb < -,i>red by the church) is that ; grandson of Dora Pedro will ]<’ <ce tho Imperial Crown on his h 1. One objectiou to the Braz. m Imperial form of govemmeni was the unpopularity of the l;»'ir :»npareut theCounless d Eu a 1 -'ill more the tlislike towards iier husbaud. Theselection of the»r sou will be a sucoesfnl movo and the Brazilian Empire will be re-established on a basis whieh guarantees to it all future prospeiity. Tbe alleged Americans iu Hawaii ha»l better find 4 moial iu the Brazilian business. Tl'g Frien>l is out again, and is most rem;»rkably niild and free from politics. Tho only thing worthv of notice is a letter from Mr. C. M. Hyde, who writes a rejx)rt of the <loings of the Ameriean Boanl. nu institntion whieh evidently is n »t altogether full of barmonv aud Cbristian friend- % • ship. The reflection of tbe Board ou the P G. in Hawaii is rather sevore. The Board aeeonling to Brother Hyde has actually '‘niemorialize»l the \\ashington Government for prompt an»l vigorons action t<> secure Christian civilization against the iuternal confusion of Hawaiian misrule.” And tbis after we for »lavs. weeks and months. h«ve been told that Hawaii had to-day ihe best govemraeut ever record ed in history ’ To be describetl by the Ameiioan Boanl as “Hai ’on'.in mi«nt/<” must even be hanl to digest for tbat political ostrich, the revereud W. O. Smith. The Provisional Goverument Vs not idle. The lea»lers in it are plotting and scheming day and aight m the nm hope th.»t the inevitable ean be avoided. All hopea t>f auneiatiou have been

abandoned. All bope>» of eontinuiug the present millitary olig*reby bave i>eeu given up. Xovr tbev wear and tear tbeir brains fur the pnrpose of devismg wavs and rueans to avoid being helplessly bondled out by the vote of tbe Hawaiian People at tbe mandute of the United States uf America. And tbis is tbeir remedy. Tbey iutend to comply with the reqne~t of tbe l uitcd States in regard to tbe hold;ng of a plebestice. They are going to express their willingness to do su if tbe United States will allow tliem toarrange tbe qnalifioations of ti»e voters and tbe couditions under wliieh the privilege shall be grantcd to tho peop:e. The wise men expect that the I nited States will allow them to do so and they have decided that the plebescite must be iaken uuder the rules, aml conditions guiding election of nobles under tbo eonatitution of 1887. lf the United States cou!d be iiulaced to eali such a vote a plebescite our smarties in the P. G. believe that they ean coutrol the noblevoters, and that tho noble-voters will be in f.ivor of establishing a permanent republic in Hawaii whieh sboukl meet with tlie sauction and protection of the United States. The scheme isn't bad. Ouly we dun t thiuk it will work. We doubt that the United States if tbey intend todo justice to Hawaii and to the Hawaiian people will take any half hearted measure. If the right to have a voice iu their own govermnent is to be givea to tho Hawaiians, such right sbon!d not be limited to a basis of dollars aud cents but shouKl be granted on the grand and large principles of a popular franchise, upon agovernment by the people—principles whieh have beeu advocated and followed by Americans, yes, beeome a synonvra with the word Aoaerica. lt does not seem likely to us that auy Americaa administration wliieh. basiug its action on the nacessity of saviug the honor of Amerīca, shonld demaud that a goveruraent be established in Hawaii according to tbe will of the Hawaiians, shoul<l listen to the plaiutive howl of the eo-eon-spirators of tbe U nited States' representatives, and allow them to virtuaily balk the inteution of makiug Hawaii‘s future an object of the popular will by restricting the vote of the people bv propertv qualifications. If the Uuited States should accept such a proposition. the whole promise aud appearance of reparatiou for the wrong done to Hawaii in the uame of the L nited St,*tes would be a base sham. and the guilt of the l nited States towanls Hawaii would not be wiped out. The only thing that the P. G. e&n gaiu by playing otT this its latest soheme is to delay the final settlement of the Hawaiian question and eonlinue the present perifKl of depression. stagnation, aud ruiu—and then of course the drawing of their diverse salaries. We shall at sb;ne futnre date analyse the possible result of a noble vote. As ihe aeheme wou t work it is onneoes-

siry to \vaste raach space on it, and. anvhow. we are convineed that eveu then the P. G. wonld be ont of sight. What has becorae of the Hawaiiau Exhibition Company whieh \vas toJ»e organized here for tbe purpt»se of representing Hawaii at the Midwinter Fair, and helping the proinoters' The Star gives vet an ocoasional squeak in its atterapt to boom the prop«»sed company, bnt although, our Christian capitalists raigbt be williug to put their i hands iu their pocket.s and prei sent the promoters with £25,000. I we are incliued to believe that the matter will be a fiz7,le, and I that Hawaii won't be there.