Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 39, 2 Nowemapa 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A ¥AST PROJEC'T CONSTANT LINE 0F SCHOONEBS — Ampie OpportifflltT fcr ALL ‘ Owing to onr constantlv increas;ng bosircs< an«l ;?ie ilemnnel of an appreoiating comm«nity. we have eonelniieil to otfer an opportimity to ail parties h«ving cap:tal Our LINE of St H()ONERS roav i>e seen glulmg itv t -r t! - BAR filled to their ntroost carr\ing capaeitv with el» > eool aml invigorating F,e 1“?“' 3 ; LAGER BEER At the ‘•Anehoi* Saloon.” To accomraodate onr Vast Fleet of Schooners, we hsve built a fine larpe llefrigerator regardless of cost. Tīie “iineh.ei," Is the only plaee where a Oool Glass of Fredericksbn: g Beer on draught ean be had iu Houolulu. Step forwa; 1 gentlemen, NOW S the Time. ocl4 3m

MORTGAGEE’S XOTICE 0F FOKESLOSCEE. In accordance with the p of a certain mortgage, made by < A i Al'AI to Lwbbella A Aehi, dated br ■r 5, 1>9. reeorded in Liber 145, r>st;e _*1>: notiee is hereby given that the Mortg> iuteuds to foreclose the same for condit - roken, to wit: non-payment of piineip . Notice is likewise given r thc expirationof three weeks fr . te of th.s noliee, the property 001 . ey- s-tid mortgage will be a>lvertised h t . at pub lie anelion. at the anction ro of jas. F Morgaa, in Honolnlu, on Mt'NDAV, the ■JOth day of November, 1895. !‘J noon of said day. Further particnlars ean be L-.-i of Wm. C Aehi, Attorney at l.aw. Dated Honolnln. October 25, 1 I8SABELLA A. HI, Mongagee. The premises covered by said iuortgage, consist of: All those premises situated :it K nalama. Hoholnln, Oahu. and more pai ilar described in a partition deed bei . - W G Aehi and said C Alapai. record< 1 r 125 page 1; containing au area of I-■ • ■ u acre; and being a part of thos ;■ .m - s known as Apana 1 described in i;..y;d Pateut, uumber 687. grauted to Kt ...o leaina. oct. 28-5w MORTGAGEE’S XOTICE OE FORECLOSURE. In accordanee witn the provisions of a certain Mortgage, made by Kameehonna of Weloka, Hilo, Hawai’ to Ah Hing dated July 7th, 1890. recorded in Lil>er 1:6. page 157; n<d!ce is hereby giv.-n that the Mortgage intends to fon-cloBe thesame rrr ronditions broken to wit: the non payment of Princ:pal and Interest when āne. N tice ’i likewise uiven that af:er the expirat’onof three weeks from tne date of this notice the propeny conveyed by -aid Mortgage will l»e advertised for sale at Puh ie Anction. at the anction rooms of J F Morgan. in Honololn. on Monday the 20th d)iy of November, 1893, at 12 noon, of said day. Further particalars ean be had of Wil iam C Aehi, Attorneyat Law. 2LDated Honolnlu. Octobēr 25th, 1893. AH HINO. Mortg ge. The premises, covered by satd mort gage, consist of: 12 acres sitnated at H’e'oka, Hllo, Hawaii. and descnbed ra Royal Pa’enl nnmber 1032 in the name • f Kamai piialii. oct. 2S-3w Eewarcl. A Postal Savings Bank Book No. 46ō has been lost at my resiilenee Juring this montb. Who ever hnds it and returns same at my residence at Heeia. Koolaupoko, Oahn, or af the law office of Jas. K. Kaulia, in Honolulu, wiil reeeive a reward. Mrs. Mik.\la Kaulia. Honolulu, Oct. 23. 1893. oct23 Im L. H. DEE, Jobber of Wines, Spirits aod Beers HOIEL ST., Between Fort and Bethel Streete.

CHAS. GIRDLER, Importei* and Commi>sioii Merchant. SPECIAI.TĪFS J. A P. Co»ts’ Maohine Thron •Ionati Biuokt>’ Miiohine Thioa>i Barix»nr's Linen Thread Pears’ Souj> P. O. Box AAS. Mntnal Teīephoa*' 13 Kaahnaiami Street, >sEAV EuropEan Xo. 509 Hotel Strctt. Ste«k, ni.iii & Ksrg3 f<*r ts Bo-.rding $4:50 |>eV week, r‘21 Me»»l Ttcket3 for $4:50. F.>w4 tiiree times a week, rook:nc; on f rst dass style. Meals at" all hoors. CHOCK SL\G, oct26 1 m Proprietor. SflNS S0UCI H0TEL WAIKIKI, UONOLOLU. a m k 0 «L Filst-CIass Accommo<lation tor Toonsts and Island Gueste SUPĒRI0R BATHIHG FACILITIĒ 5, Pnvate Cottages for Farr.:lki , T. A. S1MPS0N. cct9 Manager. HO YEN KEE k CO , Tinsmiths and dealers in Croefcerv ware, 61assware, etc. Water Pipes Laid andRcpaired, Plnmhini; N«ativ Ex<?cut«d, No. 41 Nunana St.. betwecn King and HoteI Street>, Aseu Building. WIN6 W0 TAI & Co. No. 214 Nuaann Stre«t, C0MM1SSIUN MERCHANT8, Impon«rs and Deal«n m GKS L M.ERCH AN L) JS£. Fine Manila Cipars, Chiue>e rmJ Japanese Crock’nware. MaUicgs Vases of all kinds. Camphorwood Trunks, Kattan Chairs, a Pine Assi3rtment of Dress Silks, Besf Brands of Chinese and Japaue<t > i Teas of Latest Ini|>ortatioriR Inspection of New Goods Respectfollv Solicited. Mntual Tel. 266 ; P. O. Boi 158.