Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 39, 2 Nowemapa 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
TO-NIGHT ! WE TI1EKE THE ARLIWGTON 13illiard I^auloi^ Hutel Street, Iloooliii .. WILL Ol'KN THIS EVEMNG KVKRYBODY WELOOME Whitc & Hopkina, - Proprictcrs. It Still Lires in Son<j. Marv had a little iaiub It s llesh was pink and white: And with green peas —about meal times That lainb was out of sigiit! £lub gtables Go., S. F. GEAHAM, Manager. Liyery, Keed andl Sale* Stables, Fort Street, betweeu Hotel and Beretania. Both Telephones No. 477 Connected With £tand, Corner King «fe Bethel Sts. Both TeIephones No. 11.3. Sharin{r Hini. OHver—What is the ‘'professional courtsey” between lawyers I hear so mueh abont? 0 !Neil—Passing a neh clieut down the line!— Puek. W. S. LUCE q q q AVine and Spirit Merchant Cavxpbdl Fire-proof BIock, MERCHANT ST. HONOLULU Teacher—Give me an exaraple where tlie mineral nnd vegetable kingdoras are blended to form a uew eompouml. Pupil—Rock and rve.— Puek. FAT BOY.’’ BAY H0RSE53? 8ALŪ0N I P. M(TXERN’Y, Proprietor, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. Corner Bethfx and Hotel Sts. Macbeth mnst have been mixed up in some crooked real estate transaction, how else ean we acconnt for his confession—“To know my deed ’twere best not to know myself’”- -Jwige. NAIIONALIR0N W0RKS, QrEF.x Sri:F,rT, Between Alakea k, Richard St.=. THE l NnEKSIGSn) are preraitd to make ril kineia of Ir»n Bra.ss. Bronze, Zmo. Tin and Lead Caadnge. Also a Genera! Repair Shop for Steam Enpnes, Rice Mill'. Com Milla, Water Wbeels, Wind Mills etc. Maehinee for the CIeaning of Coffee, t «*tox Oik. Beans, Ratnie, Sisal, Pineapple Leares k other FihrcuA PianU, And Paper Stock Ako Machines for Eitracting Starch fro» the Manioe, Arrow Root, etc. AU Orders prompdT atteoded to. WHITE, RITMAN CO.