Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 39, 2 Nowemapa 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The steamer Kinaa leaves tomonow for Maaī anel Hawaii. Tbe Cooncils hokl their regular sossion this afternoon. The Buard of H«alth hekl its regalar meetmg yesterdav. Severa! matters of importance were disposed of. The Star expects to be ready to issue frum its aew qaarters iu tbe Melneruy l»lock, abont the mkklle of this month. \\eregiet to learn that Hon. . W. H. Cornwell, is confined at bis Lome iu W aikapa, Maui, by a severe indisposition. Squads of marines and gailors from the U. S. warsbips are eonstautly being landed uear the Pacific Mail Dock, for the purpose of drilling. The calendar for tbe November term of tbe circuit court, is very lengbty and tbere are only small prospects tbat tbe end of it will be reached within the prescribed time. Accordiug to an advertiseraent in thū» morniug’s Advertiser, Mr. E. H. F. Wolter’s Kangaroo has takeu a walk and is looking up Hawaiian sceuery. His Excellency Samuel M. Damon, entertained a nnmber of ladies and gentlemen, at hia couutry residence, Moanalua, yesterday afternoon. J. J. Nevins tried to paint the towu red last nigbt and finally got iuto jail after having assaulted a Hawaiiau living near Kaumakapili Cburch witb a knife. The fire poliee settled their affairs last night, and divided up the money belonging to the orgauization. Eaeh meraber received ? 19.00. There is a small halanee yet to eome. We understand that the proposed reduction in tbe nnmerieal strenght of tbe “anny” will finally take plaee and īhat in the future all the soldiers will be located in the Palaee. Deputv Attorney General Wilder aud Deputy Marshal Brown. seera to have swapped oflices. Mr. Wikler will look after the bill of fare at the Poliee Station while Mr. Brown will do the pretty in the Circnit Court before tbe Jur\'. A large uumber of kamaainas are expected to retnrn by the Anstr.»lia ou Saturday. Among thera «re Mrs E Cuuha, Mrs Afong and family, Mrs Mc Stocker, W C Wilder and familv, S Roth und family, and several other promineut residents. It is rumcr»’d that a real live miliUn man is to be iraported to take the plaee o» “Colonel” Soper and tiy to make -sojers’’ out of the uniformevl and armed assembly whieh occasionally gatherson Palaee Sqnare. andgets tangled np in its attempt to understand and execute Sopers commands.