Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 35, 28 October 1893 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
Congr.itu!alir*us! Fux »n. The “Planets'' have eome ■‘down” to play basebaU. They meet the Myrtlee this afternoon. The &in Frtnci»ci> divers wiih their diver apparatu» were taken nut to the .Mionvra this morning. They have gone out tn «ee how the eteamer lies on the reef. The ueual en»wd of annexation sytupathi8ers, were on hand yesterday morning when the Marij»osa eame in, t<> receive some exi>ect**d news. but it did ‘*not*’ eooie. Senator Morgan returned to-town by the W. G. Hall Iast night from a pleasare trip to Hawaii. The senator looks very mueh improved in health and hae got a beautiful coirplexion. The third of the series of Receptions, is being held on b*>ard of the U. & F. S. Phihulelphia this aflernnon. Thesesocia!s are very pleaantaffairs, and offer a niceway to meet one’s friends. It is reported, lhat annexit Ou’s ‘•f’apa,” and the •‘editor’’ of the ann"xationists organ, were eonsoling one an<*ther vesterd:iy aflernoon and h'Uh eime t<> the eonclusion that •‘Ke9torati.»n’’ was the l>est solution, afler al’, of the present difference9. Mr. C. W. Ashford who h«s be«n on a business trip to Waikapa, Maui, returned yesWd»y on the W. G. Hall. The leameii attorney represents Geo. W. Mcfar!ane in the now f.im>us suit over the Walkapu cottmons of whieh a divis!on is being made bv a comrat9?ion accordmg t> the decision of the isupreme Court-By-th«-by. this is the 2Sih d«y of October. and the Septemher Quarterly Rep<>rt of th» CoIlecP>r Generai of Cosloros, has not yet heen plaoed before ihe puhlie. Herelofore the R**ports of the Collector Geuera! have h-en published at le*st aot a week after the ending of the qnarter. Such dila|orine9ts »9 inexco9ab»e. Whoee fault is it? Another immen«iethrong ofpersons (whieh ; s d*sīg i*ted in th'i9 m<>rr.ing's she ‘t as *‘a number of people”). U»tened to the fine m> *?c rendered by the Hawaiian Kationai Bsnd Iast even»ng. That the mnsic )oviag portioo of tbe eummanity enj r aod «pprec:ate good moaie i» ahown at everr mu«i«-e giren by this bxnd. Tiie new medler. u Boeton Bake, " took tbe eake.