Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 35, 28 ʻOkakopa 1893 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

AVAST PBOJECT Ct3HSfAIT LilE 8F SCEOOHFHS - Asple 0|pr&llt? fer ALI Owing to onr cvL>tantIy increasicg hus; r V «oil tbe grcat dcontDil of «n ap|'tvoiating cotnmunitv ct> ba\e <.x»a o!nded to ortcr an opporlanitj to ali p*rtics havu.g eapiUl Our LINE uf S( H(H)NEIiS iatv be swn gl.tl)ng ov>»r tbc BAK fi!!eJ to thoir ottuost c*rrying caps>city «ith clcar. eool aml invigoratiug Fred ".‘p““' 9 ! LA.6ĒE BEEE At the “Anchor Saloon.” To aocoiDrao«late oor V«st Flcet of Schooners ve have buiit a fine large Refrigerator reganllesa of cost lOa-e “Aaeh.oi,” Is the only plaee where a Cool G!ass of Fredericksbnrg Beer on dmucht ean l>e had iu Honoluiu. Step funran) gentleraen, NOW8 Ihe Time. ocl4 3ni

MOKTGAGEE’S NOTICE 0F FORESLOSl T HE. In accord«n(« with th« pn>vuaou» . J a eertaan mad« by C ALAPAI |n laalihe'U A Aehi, >Ut«I botob«r 5, IS9... r»oord«.l m l.īh«r 14ō. pag« 24S; uoUc« i» hereby g>en th;»l th« M.>rtg«gve mt«n>U to foreclos« th« wme for <onditiuU5 bmkeu, U> wit: non p»;mt‘Ct of pnneipal. No.ioe ii> hkewiee pieen th»t aft«r tb« etpirat.onof thre« v«ek« fn>m the dat« of this nol’.ee, the prop«rtr convere.i br MĪd mortgag« will be a.lvenis«d for MJe at pnb lieaueuon. at th« aoeUen nv>mt of jas. F M.>tg»n, in Honolnlu, on MONDAV, the 30tj tlay of NoTember. 1893, at 12 noon of aai.l day. Knrther particnUnt ean b« ha.l of Wm. C Aehi, Attoro«y at |j»vr. l»r ,e»l Honolnln. Oe» jl>er 23, 1893 I8SABELLA A. ACHI, Mortgap«e. The premis«s corered br sai.) moelpape. oon<dst of: AIl those premises sitnated al K.ipalama. Hoholnla, Oahu. and more piut;calar described in a partition de«d l»-tween V C Acjli aud said C AUpai, reoord«<l m Lit>er li> pape 1; eonUūniup an area of 1 •:0 of an acre; and be np a p«rt of tho«e pnnnae* known as Apan.i 1 de«cribesl in IU>ya! Patent, nnmb«r 687, grauted tn Keliipneaina. oct. 28-3w MORTGAGEE’S NOTICE OE FORECLOSUKE. In ai-eonlanee witn the prr>viaion« of a c»rtain Mortgagv, made bv Kameelion.ia of Welok*. HiK Hnwa ( : to Vh Hinp dated J»lv 7ih, 1890. ree»rded in Liber 1:6. pape 157; nofce ie h«rvbv piv«n tha; the Mortgage iutende to forecloee the wime tr«r condition? broken to«it:thenon payment of Prin>-p-1 and lnterest when ilne. N tice ig likewiao civen that after the e\i>irafon of ttirve weeKa from the dat« of thi« noliee the property conveye*l bv said Mortp»pe will be »dvert : se<l for s*le at Pub ie Anction at the aneiion rooni? of J F Morgm. ir Hoi olaln. on Monday the lO n d..v of .\\ vember, 189", at 12 noon, of sa d oay. Further panie») n- ean b' had of Wil iarn C Arhi, Attorneyat I.aw. Honolulu. Urtober 25th, lb9B. AH HINU. Mortg jre. The premi«ea, covered fcy foud mort jn»ge, ci>nnst of: 12 acree <itnated at He oka. Hilo, Hawaii. aad deecr bed in Royal Pa>nt □nmber 103) in the name ōf Kamai piialii. oct. 28-3w ~W -A_NTJED „ I By a yonng intolligent Gerroan a sitaatioD. not afraid of hanl 1 work, low wagea. Apply at the Office. Oct 20 Iw Rewaixl. A Postal Ha.vings Bank Book No. 465 has heeo ]ost at my residence dariog tbis m«>oth. Who ever finds it and retarns same at; my residenc« ai Heeia. Koolaa-1 poko, Oaha. or at the l.*w offic« of Jas. K. Kaalia. in Hooolalo,I will receire a reward I Mbs Mikvu Kalua. Honolala. Oct 23.1893. oct23 Im L. H. DEE, i i Jobber of Wioes, Sfirils m\ Beerc I HOTEL ST., j Between Fort and Betbel Stre«ts

CHAS. GIRDLER Importer aiid Meiv h:\nt. 1 > i 8FBdAlTH»: ( A. P Co*ti' Tkmi! Ji>nao Rrwks’ Miehiiw Th?ea<) BarKinr « Linen 1 hrvj.il l*«iirs’ Soatp * j O- 8°! Mntnal Trl<piii>iv X‘£ 1 : 13 Kitahaaiana Strv*< x f:av iEuPopean i^laupanl, Xo. 609 8lr»'«:t. r 8te»k. H«ni A f r 26 <is • | Bo«niiiig 94.50 |H*r w>t*l(. • r 21 | Me«l T 'or 94:6t). F”V\I ; three tin»en a week, eookn g <>n f rst ci«8s stvle. Me»'i 1 1 «II ! hoon». CHOCK 8IXU. oct‘2B Im rro; riet<>r SANS S0UCI HOĪEL WAIKIKI, HONOLOLU. | i I Filst-CI«* Aeeommolaiii'u for Tounsts and Island Qomls SUPERI0R BATHIHG FAC/LimS. Prlrate Cotiages for F^mtthS. T. A. 8LMPSON oct9 Managcr. HO YES KEE A CO.,‘ Tinsmitbs and dealen> in Cr«ckery ware, G)assvare. ek Water Pipes Laid and Repaired, S«ily EunUil Xo 41 Nanana St.. betweea King and Hotel StreeO, Asea Building. WIN6 WO TAI & Co , So. 214 Ksau« Streei, COMM18SlON* MERCHANTS lupeeku ud Pulm ia GEyi MERCBA2fDIHS. Fine Maniia Cigars, Cbiu«M awl JapaneseCrock'ryvare. Mattings, 1 ase« of all kind*. Campkor«oo<i Tnmks. Raltan Chaii>, a Fma Assortment of Dress Sitk», Best Brand» of Ohineee and Japane90 Toos of Late*t Importaiion». ln»peetion of New Good» Re»p«ctfal)y Solicited. Matual T«l. 266 P. O. Bcx 158.