Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 35, 28 October 1893 Edition 02 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

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["'« do oot bold onr&elTc* responsib!e for the opmions or the ntt«runo.-s of oar curr««(x>ndei>ts.) Edit»r Holomi'a;—I auppose of oours« thos« pious Hiloile filibusters of Stevens, mo*t f«el eon*ider*ble pride in their »UndArd be*rer. tbe Ree. Edw*rd Picayune “Benedict AmoM" Baker—after the scortng be received fn>m the Chic*go Journal «nd other papere. for m:xing religion wilh the tbeft of m n«tion! We ta*e par*>Q B«ker to • be ar.other of tbnee lambe of piety, I who like pareon O e*on. know« f«r more of the war» lh »t are dark. than be doe« of relīgion. \\> the natire memhen, if tbere are aoy in pareon Baker’a cburch, will be made acquainted wilh the fbrked-tongue prodiritiv« of the pamou, and lreat him aoeordingSr Such men are tnitore t> the tru« church. aod will be ‘fo«nd treiton to mankiod in geoerel. T*cth.