Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 34, 26 October 1893 — Last Evening’s Show. [ARTICLE]

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Last Evening’s Show.

The goTeninient , 8 rifle carriers were <»n the streeta I tst evening. A large number of per9oii9 had gatherea nt Palnee Square tn see n “Battali*»n” drill, bit did not see it. The draoi8 of the s*everal eom panies kept as g>*od t.me as, and s iunded very 8iunlar to a ehineae band. Afier the CoI. e >mmanding had taken the cn.umand. he wip heard t» give three “c<»mnr.and9,” of whieh “c>»rapany” w,o the only wurd rec‘»gnizab!e. Aa at ihe f»rmer show, the manual of :irm? w:is omitted fr»m that of la8t evening. Many amu9ing and laughing remarks were heard throughout the crov»d aa to the inefficieocy of the men. In fact, it w:is a grand marth an»und. and a bystander was heani to remark, that it put him in urmd of the “Mulligan9 Guards' in a minetrel 8h>»w.