Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 34, 26 October 1893 — IS THIS POSSIBLE ? [ARTICLE]
It is said th*t th« oth«r d*y. an official from the L>op*rtmeot complained o( pains io bis be«d, and called on Dr. o f o( Beretania street (or advice. ! who npon examination s»id, j “Mv dear sir. yon will have to i undergo ao oj>eration. I find that th«re is some disease thre»tening voor brain. and to do any good I most see it." The official agreed and the doctor dnly per(ormed the operation, aud took oat a portion o! the man s brain . and went into another room to , examine it. . The official sat staring abont I him. yawneil 8ev»Tal times, and j I at last (eeliug thirsty and tired o( wititing, he reached (or the pieee o( his skoll. pnt it back in plaee to keep out tiie cold, put his hat ou aud stmck out (or the Hotel. Some three or four d »ys afterward the Doctor saw his patient walking down Fort street an»l called ont “Hey tbere. you forgot your brains the other day.” replied; “Thanks, doctor.bat realIy,you know, it doesn't matter, we never need them m the Depaitraent.‘