Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 34, 26 ʻOkakopa 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Jn5urancf MARINE INSUEANCE. Th» U 'm authurizcd to take Marine Rlsks on Car<roe^, F'reights and Commissions, »t Cum.*nt Hates in the folIowing Cotn|»anios. viz: AiLianee . iwumnee Fire $ Marine f - Lonāon WUhHma of MadjSebur$ Gen’l. Ins. Co. M*.n Insitrance Co., - - San Frnncisco .1. S. WALKKH, Ajrent tor Hawaiian lslands l' I.KI HO\F> : lVll 351 Mvitual 417. Residence : Mutual 410. P.O. Box 117. E. B. TH0MAS, i Contractor d Builder Kfstim»tes Given on .A.11 ldiids OF m'. IKIIN, ST(INE i W«(IDBN BHDKS All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade, Attcndcd to. KEEP8 FOR SALE: Brick, l.ime, Cement. Irun Stone Pij>e aml Fittings, 01d A- New Cornig;«ted Iron. Minton Tiles, tj-.i*rrv Tiles, «ssort<-d sir.es aml eolors; C.lifomia and Monterey Sand, Grunit« Curbing and Rlocks, etc.. etc. f Corner King <51 Smīth Sts. OFFICE <51 YARD: Office Hours. 8tola M„ ( ito4P. M. Holomua * Publishing ♦ Co., PUBLISHERS 0F THE u HAWAII ♦ * holomua: 4 Journal iaaued Dally, (Sund«y excepted) k the English langnage. «nd pleilged in policv to sopport Ae Uiohts .»nd Previlec.esv of the Hauaiian Pboplb, the wterests of the l«boring meo. »nd good aml honest GovernjM>nt for the wh le conntiy. JOB PRUVTER8 All lb»OKS «ud Job Pkintino ne«Uy executed «t «hort notice «nd «t moder»te figcres. B1LL HEADS. CARDS, LETFER HEADS. posters, ctc.. Finished in First-Cl*js5 style, Isl«nd Orders soiicited aad pro«nptly «ttended to. Orrics; Thouj«s Bloek. King Street. Honolnlo, H. I.