Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 34, 26 ʻOkakopa 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
A VA8T PR04K< T mnn uie if scaeoi£EE : r il Owing to onr c>m>rAntly mcrensing bosi > »ml tfc-' great deiuNnd oC _u a(>preeiating cotuiuuust\ . we have cvl cinded t» ot!er «n oppi>rtnaitv to all |>«rt)e> i.anoe ci»!>-trt Our LiNE of SCH(lONERS n»T he seen gi-dmg i>rer tLe BAR fiiieti to their utmost canying c*p>Cīt\ w>.th clt seool and īorigontting F , .d.rtck.b 0^, 1A(JĒEBm At the “Anchor Saloon." To accomnuKkte onr Vast Eleel of Si booner> ha >- bailt a fine Iarge Refrigerator regardles> of cost. *Xl3.e “ilncb.oi, w 1« the on!v piaee where a Cool Qla» of Er»>l» rtck>i Beer on draught oan be had in Uonoluiu. Step fortra>. gentlemen. NOW S the Time. ocl4 3m
R-ewaixl. A Post.-il S,Tinjp Bank Bo««k No. 4tiā has been !ost at my residenoe ilurin£ this month. Who ever tinds it and rs«turns same at my residence at H*eia. Koolaup<5ko, Oahu. or at the law offioe of Jaa. K. Kanlia. in Honolnln, will reoeive a rewanl. Mrs Mikala K.uua. Honolulu, Oot. 23. 1893. oct23 Im SANS S0UCI HOĪEL WAIKIKI, HONOLOLU. Filst-Class Accommodation for Tounsts and Island Goests. SUPERIOR BATH!NG FAC/LITIES. Prlvate Cotiages for FamilleS. T. A. 8IMPSON, oct9 Manaper. W. S. LUCE * * V ** * AVine anei Merchant Campljfll Firt-proof Block, MERCHANT ST.. HONOLULU NAHONALIR0N W0RKS, | Qcef_\ Strf,et, Between Alakea <fc Richard Sts. THE r>T)EBSIOXED m prmrsl U> m*ke ril kinds o( Ir*n Brus BwMf, Zinc, Tin ud LMd C««tinp>. A!%n a; G«Benl R*p*ir Shop (br Stmo Eagin«R, Kie» UilK Corn MiUa, W*t*r WWs. \Vīnd Milk. rtc. M*chinc« for th« CWninf ol CoH«f, C«storOil«. Be«na, 8«tl, PinMnpk Lan» k otkrr PUcta. Aod P»p»r Stcxrk Aho Mnehine» for Eitnrting Sl*rch tram : tbc Kanioe, Am » Boot, *tc. > AIl Orden pncptit iUmdcd to. WHITE, RITMAN « C0. | WIN6 WO & C0., I i Manufacturers and Dealers in| Ladies , Gents A Cbiidren‘s |Boo$,$ioe^(jaitePS I No. 35, -|W| Honolnln. Nouanu Streetfp2.P. O. Box 198 j Boots and Sboee made to order in Best Style. at Wholeeale and Betail Pneee.
L. H. DEE, •Iobber of \Vines, Spiiits mnl HOTEL ST.. Between F’ort anil Bethel Stre»-t». OHEAP FTJEL FI A 1 >; i Firewoocl $9.00 per Cord De!ivered. JNO' F. COLBURN a ('O * 1 m CHAS. GIRDLER. Importer and Commi>si< »n Merchant. SPBlIAI.TIES: L 4 P- c.*u' Michm« Thmd ■Iobm Bm> V»’ )|>L'hin« Tkiwl B*rbonr‘S Linea Thm*d Soaj> P. O. Box 388. Matn«l .V* \ 13 Kaahmuiuia Stm>< JUST ARRIVE0, m y Baby Caniages OF ALL 8TT! dappBt$, t(D$, ra THE LATEST PATTEEXS. m household~ Sewing Machines Ha>d Sewi\g MArHTNF,«, CtT AD With the LatMt PAKI.OK Qreans, Guitars. Aad OOs*r HumI IminoMk. Wines, Liquors, Bcer ALWAI8 OSi HA>T>. VXD rO& 8ALE BY EB. HOmCHUEG£B i Ci Biac St-. ofp». CmI< * Cook. V