Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 34, 26 ʻOkakopa 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
________ l'p to the time of oer going to prese. oo report h»s b*vn mitle of the sighting of tbe steamer •Maripos«.’* Hey, there! The AdTertiaer sr'eak»of the s«]aareon whieh the show was held last •*veniog. as “Palaoo” n]aare. Wasn‘t there any beer served after the show last uight? The ’Tiser forgets this morntng. to inform the “tax-payers” on this | point. About sixteen members of the Hiwaiian Nalional 6and fur j nished mnsic at the Merry gt>ronnd last evening. The members were uot there as a ”band. The Advertiser man has auother “spectre” botbering him now—it is that of the “half w hites”—we should have thonght that he wa» nsed to theiu bv this time. It waa the wooden “CPU.ERD Gentlexax” who grinds the hand organ attached to the Merrv go-ronnd that played the “Star spangled Banner” last evening. not the Band. Sure!y the ‘Tiser \vriter was not in one of those stages of drunkennes he speaks of. The C<»nucils are sitting this afteruoou. It is to b«» boped that the Einanee Minister will anuounee to the members theroof, what the eorrect amonnt of the “puhlie debt’’ is. At the Iast meetiug of the Councils two amounts were »nnonnced: the “taxi\ayeTs” ure anxions to know whieh is the cnrrect ona. As it makes all tbe ditference in the world.