Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 33, 25 October 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
ATAST FSO«CT COKSTS!iT UKE {F SCB00SE1S A*|!s C5SSlE'.T Sr iU Owing to oor e«nstantly mcrea,s;cg bo>i * o v< givAt (leiuanil of an »{>}»nroiatjng eoomiuiih >• h#tc « .• clad«Hl (o ot!**r an opportunilr to ail a> »ug r»p:ti Onr LINE of St'H(K>NEUS may be sot*u • i v r {i»c BAR to their ntmost carrying eap cth v.tii c(r eool snJ iovigontiDg Fre jgck.b^, USEE BEEE At the ‘*Anchor Saloon.” To accoinmo«late onr V.rst Fleet of S b(xiner> »c L.ite built a fine lnrge Ilcfrigerator reganlleso of cost. ls the only plaee where a t'ool Glass of Frwlerick-. iqj Beer en Jrauglit ean l*e had iu ilonoluiu. St. p fo.v>.1 geutlemeu, S the Time. ocl4 om
The following will serve as juryroen at the teroi of the Csr cnit Court on Oahn begiuuing on November thc fith. 189->: HAW\IIA>. I J Gillil*nd, Geo Markh*ro, S K Aki, P S Paahao, H Oneha J S Hulimoku, F A Keliinohopono, J Wuiaman, D K Kaeo, W Paoo, J Kolikoli. A Trask, W Chun Hooo, W K»pua, S Auapo. P D Kellet, H W Kahana, MEhu.e L Hopkins. H S Swinton, M Keliiaa. Jas īlolt, G K Kohiana, M P Robinson, D Lima Naone, H Kahaawinui, Alakema, Naone, W Spencer. G W Keuweamahi, R Pahan S Kahai, IV Kapaa, Piikoi Okuu, Puniai, J N Kaiaikuwuha. Thos Hina. POR£IGN. A Ehlers, F Philp, J H Bruns, J M Webb, J L Basbeo. T J, King, Chas Carter. T A Lloyd! K Pcnleyn, T F Lansing, J Mi Angos, F Harrison, C W Mcfar | l»ne. H Schultze, E A MoInerny. J A Kennedy, C H Kluegel, C W Booth, E Benner, W G Br«ah, E A Jones, Oeo Dilinghara, D B Smith, K W Mist. J M Tracy, E O White, J S Mnrtm H M | Von Holt, C T Day, Chas Hall. W* C Peaeoek, H Gunn, W D Alexander. Jr, T Krouse, J S Walker, FWinter.
Rewarcl. A Postal S&vings Bank Book No. 465 has been lost at my resi•ienee daring this month. Who evor futds it and returns samc at xny residence at Heeia. KooUapoko, Oahn, or at the law ofiice of Jas. K. Kauiia, in Honolalu, will receive a reward. Mils. Mikala K.uua, Honolulu, Oct 23. 1893. cct23 Im SANS S0UCI HOĪEL WAIKIKI, UONOLOLU. Filst-Cla*s Accoromo<UtioD foi Toansts and Island GaesU SUPER10R 8ATH!*G Fā€!UTIES. Prnrate Coftages fbr FwvhtS. T. JL SlMPSON, cct9 Manager.