Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 33, 25 October 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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Tl.e AdTtrtis«-r m»n w** buthered th:s o>oraīog by tb« rr$t»ration t>ugardo**. This ūme u a "iei" bke. Tbe Fire Department is very active in tlrilling e\ery morning and both the dnvers and the meu huve attained a bigh degree of effic:ency. Chief Hnnt is to be cumplimented on tbe energy displayed by him and uis men. The B. M. S. S. is dae tomorrow from Sau Francisco en rontc to the Colonies. The followiug j>assēngers are booketi to leave by her: Prof. W. T. Brigham, Mrs. J. L. Brown, J. L. Browu, and M. A. Browu. , 1 The yacht Tolna has arrived. It will be reincaibvrcd b>* *>ur readvrs, that lh;B yacbl is owued by ihe Count Te Tolna Fe?tvt c«, a scientific g»*titlem»n w 10 wilh the Countess, is on a ecie!itific as well as a pleasare ctuise to the South Seas and Aostralia. ‘ Simply a shoredrill.'’ Yes, tbut is what the nutives tbought , when they saw the troops j marching up Fort Street. But several of the P. G.'s and annexationists showed by “outward” expressious that they were veiy macb “internally” worrietl. The Concordia P. C. Baml ha» eome Silver PLat«d InalniaieuU whioh they have no nse for, for sale. Parties de»iring any Of tbem, may inqnire o i Mr. J. S. Lihomio or of Mr. i. T. Fignenedo at th« Post Office. oct. 25-1 Clarence Macfarlane took a trip to Kohala yesterday. for the pnrpose of recuperatinghis heahh aml deliver his woll-known stallion “Duke” to 1he new owner Mr. Eben Low. We expect that the stallion will now be created Duke of Puuwaawaa and on tbose fertilo Iands admire the Star's homesteads —and tbeu bo skinned. Lot Slocum was shipped to Maui yesterday on the Clandine by Mr. W. M. Cuuniogbam. When Billy said goodbye to Lot » tbe old trotter wbispered to him “you give me a rest for 10 months in Lahaina and I eome down and beat Gerater hollow.” Billy * smiled and went out and picked np some few pbeasants on his 1 shooting right—on the other side of the Chinese Theater. I * *