Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 33, 25 October 1893 — TOPICS OF THE DAY. [ARTICLE]
The Advertjser eomw oot thi» morniog wtth a threatening •rticle to Mr. Thoo. H. Dsres, who iu ex|»ected to arrive here by Ihe M«riposa. Mr. Johnstone who etlites the A<!vvretiser un.ler the in»pirat;on of the Ca-stle-dique waina Mr. Duvies that groit tliaaHb?r will }>efall him if he doeeu't fail in liue with hia old hnaneial an<l pr»litical aaaoeiations au<l then ihe nnfortunate iU|uid who is a!lowc<l to mnddle the Advertist?r w«.ter with his ink, rnbs the haek of Mr. Davies in some, tO him, flnttering eompnriRous witb Co!onel 8preckeia. Mr Thoo. H Divies is the cbief of tho well known tirm whieh has heon doing business uuder his name for ve.-*rs in Honolulu. He controla nest to Spreckels tho largest inturost in sugar in Hawaii. and is individnally a verv r»ch ro.m. The Castlefarailv’s editor now de<uands that a man of Mr. D.ivies linaneial and soci<tl slandiug sh»ll blindly follow their and throw his j>olitical inAuenee —aud we suppos»i more o.-q>eci«lly bis finaucisi ussistaaoe —iuto tbeir dilapi.lat**d ranks and baek their littlo aehomea of setf-aggrandize-inont and T**<lf. Mr. Spreckels, who if we it»ravmlter rigbtly—at one tune w„s g'K»<l enouph U» be i a1iowed to ass.st the b ickers of • the Advertiser is n<*w being . k;cked in anticination of the help j whieh it is ho)xpd eau be obtnin- < od fn»m Mr. D%vies. Tlie ceusor ; of the Adveriiser who supervises Mr. .1 oh n >tons' effusions is not 1 very inpeniooa, and we feel eonfident that evou the terr:ble pieture unt<*hhsl Mr Duvies’ eyes of hb being |*clitically asso eiaie.l w*’th Busb, K**nyon. Norrie an 1 Bow!er, wil! not have tho expoetvd offect. of induc:ng Mr. D iviest»* “»fiiJute” w<th theparty ; represeatcd by a Jo-.nstone, a ! M tg *ou. a StelUr Smith or a McGrew. ard make him go down into liis jHx kcts f.*r the bonefit of the ‘ , millionaires” of aunexation fame. Mr Davies h%s proroa ln‘m- • self s-,ich a siire’.»d fin.<ucier that il i» ra*her amusiug f.*r tho Advort.ser cro*v.l to b-*gin to Iocture him. N\*b.nly herv l*ettor tban ke wih bo ablo to realize tho inater;il dissdvantages to the pl vnt*Ts if- «usne\ «t ou is «ccv>inp’*shrd besidos ihe intolerible inju-tice whieii th »t act wouUl bo to tiiis in<>*f.-ns>ve aud mdej-en-dent nalion. fU«t thc le»dmg C«piU*lista aro «9*iu>t iioa is r <w a we!l e>tabl«sl:*ui («d The unly o»>n who i* wortb anvlhi«g 6ac»uci«lly o«i the Anui>x.ili..’i >i.U* is Mr. C. R. liialiep. .itid he hvs ohooen to tl>ptuW fro-o tlii« eoantrv. t*> heeoa»» vn lamil »rvl. *nd i*! *rfoit fa*s r*ght to a voic«* m tf . w-m-.n >«»!< *is. A kI even !»e faus t*k u a very in«tgn <nt u <u ti«e j*r.«*Bt fig.it ami hianame eauaoi be f>>und on
the rolb of the Annexation Clab. nor his *npport back of their party. If tbe qnestion of «nnex»tion is to be depeadent on a vote o( the men repre«enting eapiial as advocate.l by tbe SUr and tha Advertiser. Messre. Spreckels. Davies, Caropboll, Allen. and otbere. *in»piy control the sitaatioo, and aunex»tion is dead. If annex«tion as jnstico deman.l3. shoold be m*tle subject to the will o( tbo people now enjoving tbe franchise. the resulj woald be a vote agaiost it of raoro th»n 10 to 1. Wbatever way. Ihi} leadere of the Clnb and their two organettes desire it, men like Spreckels and Davies, will beeome most imp»rtant fact*>rs in the solution, and cannot be eliminated by sach, wonKl l>e politicians as Johnstt*no, Ahgoon, Suiith or Castle. There is re«Uy something toncbing in the fight whieh the Star makes on behalf o( the “CInb” for the spoils whenever the end o( a month comes near, and the jingling of the eoin paid ont as salaries m:ikes the hearts we»r\', and the mouths water of tbe bongrv raembers of the club. Last uight. our esteemod eveniug contemporaiy eame out w;th tho solemn nssurance that “it wili be alright” to fire out forty or fifty c!erks at the end of the month, becanse “the Amenoan people have too many of their homo eoncerns to tbiuk about to bother their bi>iins over tlio disposition of forty or fifty Government clerkships in Hawaii.” Right you are, Moses’ Me don t be lieve that tbe Aroerican people either bother over Hawaii or the cl*Tkships here. but we do believe that “tbe taxpayers” do bother and have a right to bother ; about the d:smissal of a number i of omiieieni ofticia!s doing tlie j bosiness of the t*xpayere and the I appointraent of a lot of nntried I irrespons.ble aliens wbose cb»ims for oftice ean be embodied in one word—blath©rskiting. And that by the way reminds us th«t the SUr—pres*ded over by J. Emmelnth, and edited by W. G. Smith of Snu Diego and other plaeea—desires to know by what right the royalists sj*eat on b«*half of tbe 'tāxpayers.” AVe will hare to tell the elahorgan — prcsid6tl over by J. Emmelulh and edited by W. G. Smith of San Diego—that it is becaase wo are anthoriz d to speak on behalf of the “taxpayers. ” Tbe t«xp«yers of this couniry are not to be found alt >gether ia tbe annexation club. The fact <s that the toen who pay tbe biggest taxes are on the otlier side altogetber. Mr Smith o( the Star we are aware «t une ti:no published a I.»rgv am.*aut uf n itnes of peopie whom he el<*iuied to be be«vy btxp-tyere and «t U.e s«me time anueiatiumsts. It w.ts nn amaseioeiit for himaeli of his own inveuti. n «iul nubody tried to sputi h;s g«uie. But it n»«y be of «otere?>t to our geoi«l coutetnp«>rnry to kn<*w a l«ige namber of tbe “t«x-|*ayore” whom be prudacetl g t tbeir b»xcs refuadu«i by tbe p-nrt.es ho)diug mortg«ges on tbe taxed j*roj«erty —«ud lbat is perh«ps wbens the true gaage of weaUh oiain in —«ud th«t is, «here the anuex«iioatsts gel ieft. Wlo an Umm> wealthy mem-
bers of the Clob who eUim the rigbt lo be menticned «* **taxpa\ers' ’ alone. »nd therefore eontrol tbe de»tiny of the conntry. Wby doesn t the SUr eome out plainly and mention them by uame—and «e ehail iu nine oat of ten instanoes menlion who hold the mortgages on tbe man »nd his property, and we »re able to do that right from the cabinet miuisters down to the soldiers of the army. The Stnr sbonld stady the dn»nci»l statos of its snpporters before bragging. W e acknowledge the faot that it is hard for a stranger like the Star-eilitor to learn the inside of the atfairs of our storekeepers and merchanta —bot then he shouldn t talk or write before he gets better posted. Somebody who signs himselt “Subscriber” fills a dreary eolamn with what he pleases to eall arguments against the articles whieh bave appearetl in the HoLOMUA nnder tbe headmg Annexation. There is nothing new iu “Sobscriber’s article but it issimply a ro hash of all the worn-ont s*ssertions miule day in aml day out in the anne\ation organs. The onl\* point worthv of notice is the folh>wing beantiful sentence: “Aud does it not go withont saying that the liberty-loving, progressive repuhliean citizens of the l nited States, who despise royal despotism are in majority f»r «nuex ation?’’ With all due allowanee for the necessary amonnt of spread —eagleism contaiued in the obovo sentence we ask if it isn’t a wou<lerfally fine example of the subl>me idiocy whieh is the leadixig feature in all the arguments of the anuexationists? How men who sapport a mili tnrv oligarcby like tbe P. G., whieh openly advocates the disfranchising of all the voters of this countrj*, aml whieh deprives Hawaii of every'semblance of self governnaent, yet dare appeal to the “libertj*-loving. progressive, republicau citizens of the United States” is beyond <>ur compreheusion. W bere is that royal despotism whieh ”snbscriber” clnims that the Americau cit’zensdespise? W here is il in coraparis*>u with the despotism exercised by tbe pro visionaI government whieh in vain bopes to be sostaine*l in its nefarioas scheme and oxistencby ‘ the hberty loving Americans?” The mrn who j*et ean write aml think l«k« the Star and it8“sabscriber” do are phj*siologieal phenooieoon —»nd aithoagh thev audoobtedly are famili-tr with the inm»tes and ‘cit zsus of any zoolt»gi*al garden thej' know nothing of the trae Hbertyioving. self-g->vernment.-»dvocat iog citizens of the Umted SLUes of Amorica. That everything ia not lovelv in the MihUry beadquarier5 bzs been known for » iong lime. VV « b»ve oftea nsferred tu the ertor both from » m<iitaty snd frvm » sociai poini ol of aliowing the priv«te soldien> fr-e »cc«*s to sb«rp-loaded caitrtdges. Tb»t no more »ccideots h*ve b«ppene*i is pretty neariy » «iwel-. Tfae l»test fro® tbe bameks u * y«m c<xniog to *» »bo«t * priv»to 8oldier r«tnrang hoeoe ia • oon
dition prodaced bj* lookiogat the wine when it was vety rvd indee<i. He got into some »!tercations wiih his comm»oding officer. »od tbe resolt w»s tbe excu»nge of shots whieh fortun»teiv didn t burt »nv of the imprudent men. Now. we ean see tbat the men at the bead of the goremment haven't got sense enoogh to see tbe danger witb whieh the method of distribntiug c»rtridges is fraoght. It isdangerous notalone to the men —a!tbough thev never seem to hit au>*b<><iij*--but it is dangemus to tbe govemment itself The possession of amraunition is the safeguanl to the commanders 0f troo f >s, »nd that is tbe first and most imj>Ortant miiitarj* maxim. Tb.«t the officers of this army (!) don't realize the troth of this piineiple is a surprise to us. When some d»y they are made to realize it. 5t will jv»rhaps be a snrj>rise to them. W’e alwavs predieted that the Poliee Officials imported to Honolnlu from tho other Islands would never make a success. and we feel tbat we have been correct in onr snrmise since we have watched the career nf the j>resent Marshal. This official had for vears been “left «loae’’ in his capacitj r as Sheriff of Hawaii nntil his head swelled up to an nanatural degree, aml be became imbntd with the idea that he was a little tin—Jesus on «*lectric wheels. Tbe only man who ever bearde<l him in lus den was poor Huntsman : and the resnlt was a svstematic persecntion and bov cotting bj* the family-compact of that talented man till he was bonnd to leave the plaee. N<>w the great “i AJt” bas reached the g»ol of his ambition and he is the high rm>ster on the Honoiulu jx>lico duoghill. The latest instance of the overbearing and antocractic manner in whieh he condncts the poliee aff»irs of the conutry ha.s jnst roached ns. It seems that he was informetl that in a cert«in lodging honse on Queen street were two deserting s«ilors. He imraedirttelj r disj>«tclied two p*»lice-«>fficers to tho plaee in question and ordered them to remain thore about 36 honrs witbont warrants or anj* show of nght ur<der onr laws. W hon remonstrated with the big Hilo gun simply ans«ered something to the ©ffect th»t “be was the M-irsh.il of th«r Kingdom (sic) and that he wonld do «s he shw whether —well &L" W’e snbm«t to onr readers who of them woold l«ke to have a eonple of “e *j>s” poste<l in their hoaaea for » eoople • «f d tj*3 siraply bec»use it m.ght sait the Mikailo from Hilo. We guess aot! and we goess son»etbing wmild drop m ghty qoick if tbe gUM wau tritd on »n inteiligont Amenoan inste»d of on «o i)i<terrtte Pole. * If the gre«t Marsb»l instead of m tking him»elf oflic«oas wbere be h»s «o basinese, woold atteod to his legitimate j b<is;ness, the commnnitv wouid | be betl»*r off A n»tive j <n»n u • med H»«hen who remdcs j to Ew» left for home l»*t n'ight < «m honiehaek. When he re«ched ; Mohd»1o» be w»a suddenly eoo- i frontod by tbre® while men. who ! c»llcd oak to bim Ui stop, at tbe | s»me time - .iv*eokmg theirpisio)s. j Huheo tarord b» hon»e «nd ' oame to tuwn in doable qaick lime while tbreo sbots r»ug oot
fro«a tbe we<*poDJ> oi tb« •mpi'O»ed h»ghwaTraeo Tbe Mliw wenl dirvct to tbe poliew *t*tiun *nd to!d hi» espeneoce. bnt nu nolioe w ;*koa of tbe matter. nor o far o we know. h; ve »ny been Uken yet to lewni who *re m»king tmve!ing in the outskirts of Hooolnlu at night d«ngeroas. The rwidwit» of Mownnlon *re feeling worrievi »nd disga>te>i with Ihe irdilfērenee s»h«wn by the puliee dep»rtmouL Get a move on 3£r. Hnnhal! As a rnle we take very lilile noiiee of lhreats of Ttolence either sgainst tbe editor or ihe statf of this paper. We «rw woll awan* tbat barking d»>gs don't hil». and we are perfectly «ble to take oare of onrs»ilve*. Bot when an aptown meroh«nt of »oiae pro»ninenoe shoots his month otf. and raakes threats aga;nst the propertv of tbe company whieh :asues and owns !he HoU)HCA , wo feel it a duty to take not;ce of »ach fa< t- ThreaLs to blow up onr office or injaro oor press or plant will not go, uunoticeii in the fatan>. bnt will if we hear morc about them be foUowe»l by the iraraed:ate arrest and th*» mo»t severe prosecution of the gnilty party. Wo pnblish to day the list of Jnrvmou who are ealleil to serve at tho next terra commencing on Mond «v, November the 6tb. Far be it from 08 to insina»te Ihai tho jary is not f»irly drawn, bnt we should snggest to all persons having cases for trials aml all attorneys interesteti in the terra L> scratinize the names of the jurvraen. Tfaere is to say tl»e least a pecnliar “annexation flAvor” over the asserably. Mr. Johnstone this morning values 1206 ba«s of sngsr at $20,000. It is wooder that the planters |>atroni/e the I*. G. A. Coming erents cast their shadows before.’* Aneiion soles of the h<rasebo1d good« of leading P. G. m»>n and the departure of tneir familiesare oow every day occnrronces: “Indoed, for«warne<l is forearmed.” What n:issionary i« to be mado Minister of Foreign Affi»ir« whon Dole’s duties to-iuorrow be restrictod to the drawing of hi» »*laiy—as president? ($8000 a year. > The Naval B.»ttalion marching throngb the city yesterday did not interfere »t all with »tre«t cars. Th« nuon is that the officer who w«s in comma>»d, knows how to L»ke charge of meo aod is so acquaint«d witb tba tactics th«t ha is enabi*sl to move tb«ra o>it of karm* way. or lo prevent Iheui from becomiog a nuisance. If that ''fficer bad, tad charge of th»jse thirty or f rty men who Aioppe*! « streei car on Nuu*uu avenue tbe other dav—«nd wbo did not know enougb to nnt« ont of the way—be woo!d h»ve marcb«d theu» tbrough that c«r. in ooe door and oui of tbe uther, wituoat int rfering wilh anybody. That com*s (rom beiog competent.