Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 33, 25 ʻOkakopa 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
LEWIS & Co„ \Mtolc$a!e and Retail Grocers \5D [PROVISION DEALERS. FR£SH CAUFORKU 8ALM0N ON !C5 Bt Ekwj B*a Ftucnco StMiaer. Salt Salmon 15 Bakrels a Specialtt. /// Fort Si. , Honolmlu. 7V/. 040, p. O Box 2?JW. S. LUCE J n AVine anel Spirit Merchant Cctmpb«U Fire~pmof Hloek, MERCHANT ST . HONOLULU H. MAY & Cū, ! Tea Deaiers, Coffee Roasters & Provision Merchants 98 Fort Street, - Honolulu Pamiliea, Plantation» aml Sbi)>s snpplietl witb cboicest Euwpean A* A meriean Grocerie* CaIifornia Prodace by Eveiy Steamer. 1 1 1 l i ' I - 1 Long Brancb BATHING Establishment. This First-class Bnthmg Resort has been enlar«o<l and is now open to the pnhlie. It is tho best plaee on the is)ands to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to lay otf. Special aeeommhdations for Ladics. Tramcars pa&s the door evory half hour aml on Saturday3 and Suudays every fifteen minutes. JAMES SHERWOOD Proprietor. NAĪIONALIR0N W0RKS, Qvrry Stp.eet, Between Alakea «t Richard Sts. THF. U5r»EBSIGVED ir> prppurd to make ell kind> o I Iion'HnM. Bronxe, Zinc, Tin nnd hemd Ca*dnjj«. AJw a G«oml Repair Shop for Steao> Engin—. Kkw kulU, Com MiU*. Water Wheei*. \V«n«l MiiU. ete. Hnehinea (or tke (T*nnir.g at Caff*e, Cnli-ir Oiln, Hnemi. Baatie. 8ĪMU, Pinenpple Leaeea t otbrr Rbro** PUnU. Aad Pnper SCock Ako Mwkinen (or Ex trerting Starek tram tbe Manioe, Ano» Eoo«, ete. RT 11) Order» proosptlj atlend»d :o. WH1TE, RITMAN CO. WING WO & Cū., Manafactarers and Dealers in LaJies . Qentn' * Cbiidren s Boo^,^oe^5aite^ No. 35, Honolnin, Nnaano Sbeetf*,P. O. Box 198 6oots and Shoes made to order in Beet Stvle, at Wholeaale and Betnil Piiee*.