Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 33, 25 ʻOkakopa 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

6ntrral H. F. BERTELMANJi. CONTRMTOE ASD BriLDER. 86 King St., Bei! Telephone 107. CHAS. MOLTENO. -t3T TONSORlAL AKTIST. No. 511 King Street, Honololn, H. I. Give me a trinl. M. LOSE, Not ary l^ublic. Collfctor and Gtneral Bufiness Agent. Maloal īelephone 8. P. O. Boi .t*S. Meiehmi stiwt, Honolnlu. . Theo. P. 8mto. A. W. Bolsttr. ALOHA GALLERY 513 Fort Strket. Ho50i.rxr. (Up-«tein.) Portraits& Landscapes Finest CoUection o( Hawaiun Views. P. O. Box 498. ESTABL1SHED A. D. 1863. Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! IB K K R Y amd lee Cream Parlors F. HORN, Proprietor.J PRACTICAL Confectiier & Omamenter In »HJl>rant he« o( the bnsiness on theae islands. AMERICAN, FRENCH, ENGLISH a.vd GERMAN PASTR1ES MADE TO ORDER. Wedding and Birth-day CAKES Ma<le of tbe ven* best material, unsorpassed in richness of quality an«l oroamented in anapproachable style. at lower prices tban any other establishment in Honoluln. Family 5?ahani Fancy Bfead, Guava Jelly. Preserved Tamarinds and Tamarind Syrap. ALL C0NFECTI0NERY Manufactured at my £stabIishment are Goaranteed b be Poeumnu.1 Pfee and sold at prices no , o»her establishmeni ean compete with. FACTORY le STORE * No. 71 Hotel Strbet, Between Nuuanu and Fort Streel B0TH TELEPBOKES Xo. 74.