Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 33, 25 ʻOkakopa 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
$B$iae$s (fards BRUCE & A. J. CARTWRICHT BosineM of s Fidnci*nr X:\ture Tr*nsactt<l. I'ioopl kiwnnon to the nuuugrta«nt o( EaUUm, Gawdunship«, TrosU. «te., etc., etc. Ojficf*, : Cariicright Build»ng, Mervhant Rtrwt, Honoiuln. F. H. REDWARD, COXTRACTOK axd BnLDER, No. 506 King Street, Honolula, Hawaiian Islands. MACFARLANE & CO. Dfalers in Wine$ and Spirits Knahomann Strwt, Honolnlu. BeU Teleph me 381. P. O. Box .32 W. W. WRIGHT & SON, Carriage and Wagon Bnilders IN ALL ITS BRAXCHES. 79 and 80 KincSttv* t. Honolulu, H. I. H. E. McINTYRE &’ BRO., Groceby, Feeu Store & Bakery, Corner of Kinq and Fort Sts., Honolulu. J. PHILL1P8, PKACTICAI. PLUMEEH, GA8.FITTEB tT)PPKRSMlTH, Hoose and Ship Job Work Promptly Executed. No. 71 King Street. Honolnlu. GDNSAL¥ES & CD., Importers & Dealers in Grocerie», Wlnea, Spirito, &c. Qocen St, Honolnlo. 3£lmpire Saloon, JAMES OLDS, Pkopkikpo». Fine Wine& Liqaoi%' Beei*, ALWAYS oX HAXP. Con»«T Xnn«nn »nd Hotel Streets LEWIS J. LEVEY. Heal Estat<? and Geneml Auctioneer. j C«rner Fort «ad V}uecn StreeU, Honolnln I Personal attention given to Sales of Fnrniture, Real Estaie. Stock and General Mercbandise. Matn*l T<dephoDe 238. Heil TclephoDC 3SI- Po«t OMm Box 32. W.W. WRIGHT4S0N u IR Ix All Its Braxches. Horseshoelng A SPEC1ALTY. 79 and 80 King St, Honoiulo.