Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 32, 24 October 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
Vioev*rJ is being w;dene<l. B*nJ Ooncert at Thorras thi9 eveninj. Oapuin Arthnr MoIX>well v •eem? cnnfi ient th*t he will succ*ed in fl ating the steamer ''Mi<>wera.” Succee9 lo your ventur*, Oaplain. The Postmaster General givea otfici»»l notico, that duriog next iucmth, November, all Foreign Mails will be closed rwo houm prior to the departure of steamers. Correspon«lente should bear this in mimi. The Star man wants this eommnnity to wear soch dothing. and read thos« paj ers whieh “ he ” may ohoose to nunie. Does not "he.” re«d Royali»t print»> Do not the meml>ers of this (»ov* ornment read Royalist prints' If a Governruent clerk is to bc fired for ro;wling R*»yalist prin*s, then the Star trmn a«d the momb«rs of tbis CrOTerument m«st also be fired.