Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 32, 24 ʻOkakopa 1893 — MILITARY EXPENDITURES. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


In the statement of “proposeil reJuctions,” m the e\penses of tho military, as preseute<l t» the ! Oonneila by the Pinaueo Miuister last week. the ta\pa_\ers of tuis conntry ure of tho opinion that the proposeil e\peiulitnre of a inonth for ss 8t;itl Offices be dis|iense»l w.tb.. There hns uever been nnv oecnsiu:i for such ap|»endages to * military force in this country beforo the present period, nor is there any ueed of such uselessuess now. If tbe ,, patrioW’ of the M caose’ desiro to serve their goverument, aiui wish to assist in the obtainmg of annexation, the ta\payers of this conntry bave no objections to their doing so, whether it 5s in the capacity of a Colonel, ilajor, Captain. Qaarter-Master. Doctor, Drommer or anrtbing el.>e. Bnt ;f they wish to hare a title appended to themseWes and tberewith sport a nniform and to receire honors, tbey must show their “patriot5sm ' for the “caose‘* and serve for the 'bonor” of their gorernment, otherwise they heeome “boodlers. M The persons for wheni tbis proposed e\penditore i« asked for, are recemng iacomes from other sources, or in words are employees of ctber eoneena. ; Tbe ‘‘Colonel.’' »s mnn>»ger of j and derive« an ineumo frem a I news and statiooery establishmenl and sells iiie “Hoiomna.' The “Lt Col./’ i* a clerk m one of onr loeal heeka. The “Major.” is b*>ok keeper for the i MeWopolilao Meal Co. The ; Qaaiier-ma8ter. fa«s an interesi io a targe firm and is snppo«ed to denre a lucratire ineome there from. The “Snrgeon,” well. it is ' hard to say, bat tben be receives

a saliuy u ,Sevrvtar>‘ of tbe Coaocils. Toe “ Atljatant. he migbt be doicg «iotnetbing else The ‘ Drum Major. ’ «5so reaq ineome fmm an in«iependent bnsinessThe creating of sacb office* ia nnnecessar>‘, Tbe expenditiresof raoney fr»rsnch purposesis nncalled for and oatrageoos. The taxj»avers object to it and cry “Hali. -