Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 32, 24 ʻOkakopa 1893 — Fair Annex. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Fair Annex.

(>b, «« rc ao( Um IXxrtcr' H«‘* go< » hr%a arv nit *n st«dd«il »'0 vith battcn— Aad -p«aletu • U> huoi. H- vith P«*pi*cd«nc* And *mkes onr »p»nU maW>, , H« V<oks ao r»eii aiM nobbr. So daAhiag uni h cnt«! Uh, tsra i«iifi, d**r doetor! In »ttitnde of mi, Keei np aoain yo«r panUlc«a», Pull dovn ronr *oHi« r**t; Awant *n tir oi Mnnmeo. Of erin» imp)n*nce W*t TTi« gener»l ma ol peopl* Shuuld thmk the thmg • jest. Jast skov M«h donbticg sk*pt:c Yon ut no eommon jir, In-pire • ho!y tenvr, In(a§e • li-ep <iisiuaT. Connnce th« scoSng pnhiie. This u no chtMi*h rUr. The svurvi * m ti*njcruos weapon— To keep ont o( the vay. FdU vt'II ve kn >w the *upe e(f«ctThat vait np>n y->nr p»Us, And re«uize yonr re , Qeiliv> Are vunie : h.n treate<i iUs: — Bnt, oh, tfcy martui beering An<i milit»vry (nits Oanee Sp:u»! Men:ngitis Mmlmiīa mnd ChiUs. Ko ne#d o( Knightly V alor The enemy to »conl, That lean «nd *croll-««v fignre Wouhi pnt the (oe to ront. The avfnl »pp»rition Wonld por»lyze with doubt And render hore-de-comb*t Thy eenge(ul ewonl vithont. It mdly is apparent There a nothing elne to do Bnt keep yoor martial bearing For drees parade reTiev. But, oh bs rery <a>reful Tonr scabbard'a not askev For fear that wanlon awonl may tarn Aud cnt your «hauka in tvo.