Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 32, 24 ʻOkakopa 1893 — TOPICS OF THE DAY. [ARTICLE]
The article in thi» p«per of yosterday cominenting on A<Jm»ral Skerrett. «ss corre.Hpoatlenco, anJ by a misUke appeared as E.litorial. It u soffici«nt for os lo sav, th«t the article dnes not expre«s the riews of the Editor, aml he ean only regret it» apjsearanee. Tbe Star h.ts got anotber att«ok of tbe spo»ls ilise«se aml «h'Oim>l- tbo sc»lps of tboae governinent t»ffici»ls who are not «ctive »iinexutionitit.s aml mem bors of tbe ciub. e ahall not waste our sp«ce by re «rguing tbest ilo pr >jH>sitioa.s. but w » aro oblige<l to poss a few remaiks in regard to tbe in»inaations in wbich tho St»r imluiges «gainst certaiu offici«Is on accoant of an item whieh apj)eared in tbe HoloMOA referriug to a little altercation whieh tt>ok plaee last week l>o tween Dr. McGrew «nd Minister Damon. Tlie information abont that little atf«ir did not reach our office from anybotly connectod witb the government. Dr. Mc Crow spoke muchly and loudly «bout the allegevl outrage whieh tbo mmister had j>erj>etrated on him uml tue report of tbat inter viev was g : ven to us by tbe j>»r tios to wliom tbe Di>ctor spoke. If the memory of tbo nicdic»l gcntlemau is so weak tbat he oinnot remctuoer to whoiu he j w* • >l:oo uig hts moutb o(F, we | are perfctly rea lv to refresh ii i aml rcad> t<» furnish both linu ss , woll as Mr. Damon w.tb tbe nanie of our inform«r. The Star publishes a lelter under the b>*-oling “turo tbe raseals out whieh i» signcd f<*r the ooeaaion by “a member of tbo club.’’ Th«t tbo lettcr is maonf«cture 1 right in tbe Star office, is l*oyon*l doubt. and tho reas >u tb»t ihe s»»ntiments eon tvined iu it hav« beeo fr«med in ihe form of a cotrespoadence, is •imply becausc tbe editor of the 8tar evon is ashamod of shoutder ing such absunl and ridiculous ide«s to whieh the article in qao«tion givee went. The writar desires to see every body in jail who doesn t b-*w down and sa'omit to tbe higbly interest!ug congl:>aBer«tion w>nch : coust tute tbo Ana xation Cl>ib. ] Tbe Hswaiian N*tiouaI Btml , whieh i» « perfcctly priv<te in- ; •titut on *ne«*ts w-.th tho mo«t ; s-'vere »lissi>.>n.*v »1 of tbe Star ! corr*-ftpondeot. The B »nd no } cl« ms dr iW « tre*»cboro is cr“wd togethcr ru*l sh<»u>d be sque:ch ©d. How 4 >oat ihe P. Q. wh ch coets tbe i«x pvycrs a lot of nionw. sod ti-Wt drsw « j Cruwd* W>»oldn t it he wi«er ( and more ;ost to “«qaeleh” f lh«t uMtM*ntaxy }axun*t Tho • 1 1 e g e d uuifonns of th« Qnoea‘« ga«rd whieh e*a'=k*d •om« «diatic rae >»U»r<»( Ih* C »aneiU t»> e 11 « »|vseUl s»» ou for the T»on>os«» <*f die.'Uss,Rg lUe gmvity of ihe vh.te dock paoU
b«ve al»o cansc*l tbe St«r eonea- | pon>lent maeh uneasiness «nd be cl«mors loodly for tneste to be m«de. Arre«ts of whom ? Ofthe lailon» who cl*im tbat they «re not making any nniforms or o( tbe nnifonns whieh are not being made or of the soldiers who do not exist. The Star writ«r is even a bigger fool th«n be is a knave, and we should advise him to put h;s be«d in a bucket or oso the gold-core —by doing so he raight snccecd in getting the mueh coveted government billct or at le«st a title as major or (’olonel. According to the same cheerful idiot it is treasou to write or speak about tbc Queeo or Her Majesty. It is aUo treason to read or sub«cribe for the Bul!etin or the Holomia wliieh by the way thc brilliant member of the club evidentlv is doing himself. His assertions that tbe j»aj»«rs montioned or the band are l»eing subsidized by the government are 8 i,nply Iies. * Th»t the Star will givo its space to print such «bsurd rot is very characteristic of tbat sheet. aiul tbat the writer evidently represenU tbo tone of the anoexation club, is a good expl»nation of the fact, th»t annexation is dead, »ud that the misgu>ded men who heretoforo bave listened to tbe sandlotters who act »s le«ders are unwortby and nnahle to eommand tbe coufidence and the resj>ect of the Hawaiian people. lt is nndoubtedly (ortnnate for the conntry, that there are one or two men in the government who cannot be bu ldozed cr tempted t<> listen to and fullow ! the suggesti »ns of tbe aensoless utiedncatcd men who rnn tbe club and trv to run tbe countiy. j T.i > St ir aml the Club c-»n whine I an 1 howl, tbny will never “get ■ tbe re.’ but wiil be a!Iowed t<> ■ 1 suc!< their fiug-.-rs f»>r the govern- | ment p«p f.ir beyond their reacb. It is amusing to see the annexation organs r»ise tbeir h»nds in holy terror. because as tbey elaim tbe Holomua makes j*ersonal at t«cks on j>eople. P«pers whieh have insulted and «bused Congul Oeneral Milh». C»pt«in Lodtov and othor Araerioan offici«U shonld be a little care (ul be(ore tbey begin to throw stones. Since tbe 17th of Jaau «ry the tone o( the anncxstion org»ns has been sncb thnt the editors aro pl»ced beyocd tbe palo of gentlemen. Tbe co«rse «nd violeot «ttiicks on tbe Queen »re stiil fresh io the minds of tbe commoniiy «nd sh»ll not be for g >ttcn before ret«liation is meted , • out. Tbere is a bmg score to setile yet so the “org«ns nced’nt whine when tbe H»>LOMi'A craeks its wbip «ud acci»Unt «l y bits some of the curs «t its ' bce:s.