Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 32, 24 ʻOkakopa 1893 — No Annexation. [ARTICLE]
No Annexation.
Tbere is a of re1ief in the annoaacemer>t tb <t tho U. S. Uo n«>t coutoniplate the annexation of Hawaii. Morb fiapdo<idle b*a been indulg»>d in hy * cert*in ciass of p*>liticiaDs orer Gre«h«m’s poliej, bot tho people do not aspire to expensiv6 luxnn«« snd doobtfal acqui»ition#i of torritory. Tme indcpendonce and a decent rej?ard for the weaker nations līe in tb« d.rection of aasistiog by arbitration and other pescefoi metbods, »n »eeing jna*ice done. Tbe annexation wg s aeheme of exp!oiters not to be toler»ted by a goTernment powerfol aa thi* one ia —JolUi