Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 29, 20 ʻOkakopa 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
\Vhere thnt nnrploB? The pub!ic i)rbt increise<i 112,821.05 I«ni we. k. The P. (?. bai»«i p «e» at Makee (Kapiulaui Park) thl9 evening. 0>h«nel Ge*>rge Macfar!ane leUon tbe Monn»«i on s huneineee |rip to San Franci»co. Mr. H*rtwell left by the Monowai lael night f*'r 8an Fr*nci»co. He wiil r»tarn »h rt!y and bring his f<rrnily hnnie with hira. Tbe Star cotnnany h«B e!ected officers f*r nexl year Mr, J. | Kmmelulh ia now Presījent while Mr. !l.irtwel| ar>d Dr. i have wīthdrawn their osmes frorn the sheet. A iran nameel P»«*thufF attempte«l to eommil euu id- hy 9hnori;>g h'raself in the be»d y«**terday aAemoon whīle under Ihe i»• tl .'•nee ofi«qo«'r. Ti*e w«ms.d i« n«l eonsidered fat«l a!thoogb of a rery i seriou9 nature. Th<? Star priuti ■ e plant h« | arrived and tbe l«wn will ho wītb aQ"ther pnnting We omlenu tml tb4 tb« |St »r w»ll occapy ihe premisra , »buv.> Mclncrny's store o r *w oe- ; oapi«d hy tke Dran»wick Bilhard P,«rlor». There will be aome “digg»ng” aow U> bo done by Uie Ust f«iibfals ix» the !ast ditcb