Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 29, 20 ʻOkakopa 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
3vsiat$s (fards HARR1S0N BROS., t3T CONTRACTOKS AND Bl’ILDERS. 306 Fort St., Honolola. THOMAS UNDSAY. Mannfacturing J->»lrr and Waieh maker, Melnercy Block, 405 Fort Si.. Honolala. MEKCHANT S EXCHANGE, S. I. 8HAW, PEopRitroR, CHOICE LIQUORS and FL\E BEQR. Corner of King and Nuuanu Sts., Mntnal Tel. 423. Honolaia, G.W.iACFAELABE4C0., lmporters & Commission MERCHAN’TS, Honolnln, - Hawaiian Is!amls Glufc gtables Co., S F. GRAHAM, Man JLiivery, Keed and b?ale Stables, Fort 3troet, between Hotel auJ Beretania. Bolh TfIejjhones Xo. 477 donnected With $tand, Corner King A Bethol Sts. Both Te!tphoaw» Xo. 113, Cha&T. Uuliek NOTARY PU8LIO For the Island of Oahn. Agent to Tate AcknowIedgments to Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant Marriage Lieenses, Honolalu, Oaha. Agent for the Haw’n Islands of Prrr <fe Scott’s Freight and Parcels Express. Agent for tbe Barlington Roate. Heal Estate Mer M General Aieit. Bell Tel. 348; Mut- Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE: No. 38 MERCHANT Street, Honolulu, H. I. i. x CHOCK LOOK. MERCHANT TAILOR, Xo. 331 Xna*au 8tree>, ALL SUITS GUARAXTEED T0 FIT, and MADE in tkf BEST8TYLE. CLOTHES CLEANED axd REPAIRED. Wing Mow Chan, lXFOBTERS A.VD G0MMIS8I0N MERCHANTS DF.At-F.BS Eī China aml lipan Tea, PrMYiiinw lanila eiaan GROCERIES, SILKS, MATTISG. Caajphor Wood Trunks. Rattan • Ch*tr9. etc., etc. 304 Eine 8t. Honolola. P. O. Box No. 180. Mvtnal Tel. No. 78.