Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 28, 19 October 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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LEW1S & Co n Wholesale aml Retaii 6rocers .OT0 PROVISION DEAL£RS. FRSSH CALffORNU SALMON ONICB By E«ij S*n Pnamo) Swaawr. Salt Sauios ct B vkrkls A SrEClALTT. III Fcri Sl. , Jf*nOi’uiu. Tel. P. O. Box rv?. W. S. LUCE 3 q q "VVine and Spirit Merchant CampbeU Firt-proof BU<k, MERCHANT ST . HONOLULU H. MAY & Tea Oeaiers, Coffec Roasters & Provision Merchants 98 Fort Street, - Honolola Families, Plantations aml Ships supplieil w;tb choicest European tL* A mcrica n Groceries CaIifornia ProJuce by Every Steamer. Long Branch BATHING Establishment. ThisFirst-class Bathing Besort has been enlargeil and i.s now open to the pnl>lic. It is the best p’rce on the Lslnnds to enjoy 3 bath and there is no better plaee to lay off. Special aeeomm<xlations for Ladies. Tmmcars pass the door evory half hour and on 8aturdays and Sundays every fifteen minuiee. JAMES SHERWOOD Proprietor.

NAĪIONALIRON WORKS, Qieek Stbeet, Bet'seen Alakea A Kiehanl Sta. THE UXDFBSIOSED *re pwpM»d to iu*k< nll kjnd* of lr»n Bruw. Rmnif, Zinc, Tin *ad t—H C*Atiajv ALso i OeaenH Bm«i Sbop lor Sut*m Eagutm, Kk« JC1K Com M ’W. V» «t« VO**i* WinH MHI*. Maehine* fcr the Cle*run« o< < 'oS*r, C*«tor Oik, H*»ve, 8iwJ, Pinenppie Lcivm k othn Fibroo* PUsta, And P«po 8tock. Abt for Etim(ng 8**r-k fren the X*Biac. Ano« Eoot, tic. Cir AU OHm pn»tptl; «UniM u>. WHITE, RITMAN « CO. WING WO & C0., Manafactnrers azul Dealer* io LaJies’, Gents’ A Chil<lrea’s Bool0 f Mo. 35, a/ĒĒ Hoaolola, Nooano Streetf*,P. O. Box 196 Boots and Skoea made to order in Best Style, at Wkoleeale [ and Betail Pricea.