Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 28, 19 October 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
6nirral H. F. BEBTELMANN, CONTRAtTOK AXD BriLT>ER, 86 King St, Bell Telephone 107. j i CHAS. MOLTENO. TONSORIAL AKTBT. No. 511 King Strcct, Honolnla. ! H. I. Gire me a trial. H. LOSE, Tsotary lr*ublic. CoUectar and General Business I Agent. Mutaal Teiephoo« 8. P. O. Box 338. Mcrchant street, Hoaolalo. Theo, P. SrrKRi.v. A. W. Bolstek. ALOHA GALLERY 513 Foet Street, HoNOLn.r. (l'p-suin.) Portraits& Landscapes Finast Gj'lfCtion o( Hawaiian Views. P. O. Box 498. ESTABLISHED A. D. 1863. Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! IBAKERY am©:
Ice Cream Parlors F.JH0RN, PBOPBrETon.’ \PRACTICAL Wfftiooer & Ornumenter In all braache« of the bnsincss on the»e ialacds. \ AMEKIOAN. FRENCH, ENGLISH asd GERMAN PASTR1ES MADE TO ORDER. Weddim]r and Birth-dav o * CAKES MaJe of the very best matorial, nnsorpasseU in richness of quality aml ornamentetI in nnapproachable style. at Iower prices tban any other establishment in Honolulo. Fmnily Panei) Bpead, Goava Jelly, Preserved TamarinJs and Ttmarind 8yrop. ILL C0NFECTI0NERY Mannfactored at my Establishment are Goanmteed to be PūgftntT Puke and sold ai prices no other eetablisbment ean eoanpeie with. FACTORY a STORE, 2io. ‘71 Hom. Steezt, Behreen Nmiann and Fort 8treets BOTK TELEPHOK£S So. 74.