Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 28, 19 ʻOkakopa 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Band Conccrt. The P. G. band, wiil give another concert it Thom«s Sqoare, this eveuing. Following is ihe prognuume; PARTI. 1. Or*rtor»—'•Swnirwnid*" Ro«xini t. Conet 8olo—“Hnwnu Pono»'*.. Miehiek 8ok> br Ur. CTuu-i«i KrvaUr. 3. WnH*_“Toot Pnris* W*2dtmM 4. •'Keaunweeaea oI R.«ftunr CKxUrer PABT U. 6. 'Tbe KimU'*. Pettc« (. Ci*nn*t 8oK*~"Antamn Leam....C«H Solo br Mni. Keogh. 7. W*ha Tb* DoU»“ Barw f. Mnrch—"M\ Oonaheii'*... Sfrowmcker Ponoi." A RUMOR. It was oomoonh' ramored t<M?,ay that Adminl Skerrett hae reoeived orders to prooeed to Ohina apon tbe earlieet opportunity. Expected complications arising from the Geary Act is given as t-.e caase for lhis order. Tbe K. M. S. Monowai from the Oolomee for San Fnncisco is twvuty milee otT Waimanalo aa we go to presa.