Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 26, 17 October 1893 — WE NEVER SLEEP [ARTICLE]

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Somebody stole this sigo. Now there is troobie aronnd headqaarters, and the atraospbero has assamevl the melaueholie hue of tbe backgTonud of tbe departed motto. When “Billy'' Foster. the inessenger, arrived yesteniay | morning. and discovere\l that the ‘‘terrorizer. as tbe inotfensive little strip of tin was called, had been embezzled, he went out aud iu an agonv of grief Lad ali his hair ent olī. Roop followeJ suit. and Charley Henrv wouhi have likewise, but—. Captain Mi;ler refuses to state what steps had been takeu to apprehend the cnlprit. It is known, however, that tbe loss of the sign was a severe shock. i’eople would eome iuto the office and, while waiting for an audience woukl read the soleraii eomie papers provided for such emergeneies. Presently they wouhl lift tboir eyes aud see the sign. The gloom wonid have their faces and knowiug grins would linger instead. Another sign has beenordered. whieh will read;