Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 26, 17 ʻOkakopa 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
W*here is that sorplas? i B.tnd Conceri &t the Hote). Band Concert at Thom&« Sqnare. The Naval Conrt is sitting again to-day. An nnruly heifer took chsrge of a wharf yestenlay. This conntry 8 debt was increased last week, $12.240 more. The Advertiser man shonld be the last person to accose anyone oflying. The W. O. T. U. wiil hoid a meeting this afternoon. Look out for that beer, Ia<lies? The unifonus were mueh rnore adrnired than the meu wHo “sported” tbem la>t Saturday. Some of the “brave” got full after last Satorday's show. It was alrigbt, they belong to the P. O s. The Star is mad, because its roporter eonhl not “born” in and get a free feed yesterday afternoon. For Mulokai, per stmr Mokolii, Oct. 16 —Rev H H Parker, Jack Lncas, Wra Mutch, Mrs J Aald, Dr M Ooto. Duriug the last three months cnding October 4th. tbe debt of this country was increased by $118.449. The P. O. Band gives one of its regular moonlight concerts at Thoma8 Stjnare this eveniug. A “full house cannut be assured. Tbe “force” of Iast 8aturday afternoon has not iatimiduted the loyalists at all. That is evidently all the show was given for “to trv to iutimidate.” No nso. The jndicial sale of the Waikapu Sogar CVs stock l>elonging to G. W. Macfarlano. has been post[H>netl till Docember the 20th. by an order of Court. The Hawaiian N<tioual Baud gives another of its deligbtfnl mnsicales at the Hawaiian Hotel this evening. We besi«ak another immense gatheriug of muaie loving people. Mr. Kobert Lonis Stevenson is still con£ned to his bed, although teeling somewhat better. Tbe famous aothor will le«ve for bis Is!and home on Samoa on the Mariposa due here Oct. the 26th. f ) 1 The Lilinokalani Educational Society gave a luau yest«rvlay «fternoon. The occasion l>eing the eigbteenth birthday amuvers«iy of tlie Princess Eaioīani. A few inriteii guests were pre$ent. Tbe luau was not giren by the Queen as iwiee asserted bv the Tiser.