Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 26, 17 ʻOkakopa 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
|W. S. LUCE *«l m % V AVine and Spirit Meroliant Fire~prnof ' MERCHANT ST HONOLULU Li<iiur ap to lt. She satd b« w»s a pre*t bi)? bear, Wheu he ot»e dty ilisple.-*<e«I her. **Aii right. ’ >auI he. anil theu auil tkerv i Jast like a bear he s*jueezed her. I — PiUk. . H. MAY 5: CD. ( Tea Deaiers. CofTee Roasters & Provi8ion Merchants 9S Fort Street. - Hoaoiolu Families. Phntatioos aiul Ship> aupplieil with choicest Furoj*au AAmerican Onwne* California Pnuluoe by Every Steamer. la Nun.la»-Vhool. * Wbat <litl the ass say to lialaam, Willie?” ‘ Come otr.” *‘Why do yoo Uiink that ! ” ‘■Becuose he knew Balaum was onto him.— Fuck. Uo4>d tdr«>rtUiuc. Client —Well — eh—what ia )oar charge in a divorce case ; Luwyer.—It depends, Mudam, altoghether npon the advertising I get. Is \vurs a newspap«r caso? — Puek. Long Branch BATHING Establishment. This First-class Buthing Besort hns heen enlargetl and Ls now to the puolie. It is tbe best ]>tace on tbe islands to enjoy a bath und there is no l>etter pluee to Iay otf. Speciul aeeommodations for Ladies. Tramc«rs |>ass the door every half ho*;rand on Saturdays and Sunday» eveiy’ fifteen minutes. JAMES SHERWOOD Proprietor. I NAĪIONAL IR0N W0RKS, Qrra Stbket, Between Alakea A Btchard Sts. THE CNIiERSItiNED prvparvd to make i*U kinds of Ir»n BnM, Bn>uc, Zi.io, Tm and Lead Cutisgt. Alae > Genera! B*j»wr Si-.op (or Enginea, Hioe MiIU. lom M:Ua, W«ter WbeeU. Wind M*IU ele. Maekine» (or tb* CU«nir.g of Cofte, C*at .r • hi*, Bc«aa. lUnw. Si—I, Kneapple Leave» k otker Kihfr>»i« PUnli, And P«per S*ock. AUo Maehioe» (or Eitrwtiitg tSarck frca tbe Mask <. Arr » Boot, etc. Lf r AU Or>lerm promptlf <Utonded tO. WHITE, RITMAN « CO. WING WO £ C0.. Manuf*ctorers ao«l Oealeni in Lsdiea'. Gents‘ k Childrvn‘s Boot$, $l)o e£ No. ?ā, |fln Honolnlu. Naoano Streetf®i P. O. Box Boots *nd Shoes made to order in Best Style. at Wholesaie and Betail Prices. *