Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 25, 16 October 1893 — CORRSPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

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(NVe do not hold onrselvcs resjx>nsible for tbe opinions or the ntterances of our oorrespondents.] Editob Holomi a; —The Star of October 13, completely out Herods, the Advertiser iu its whirligig of twaddle and gush. He says: ' Mr. DoIe is a nstural diplomat who would be recognised as the intellectual equnl of the emhassadors from Europe, and who would impress uj>on President Cleveland. his e»binet and the legislatures of the Senate and Honse as no other Hawaiian cou!d the diguity and jostice of the Island cause.” In the first plaee. the jnstice of the Island cause is already settled. and in the hands of Miuister WdlLs. now en-route for Hawaii nei. As for Mr. Dole being a dij>lomnt. tbe only diplomacy we have ever known Mr. Dolo to accomplish wss. in sendiug that gushing diplomatic letter to Kauai on the defe«t of the army, sent tt» do battlo with a sick man, a woman and a child. Yes, that kind of diploraacy wouhl rank with tbe best in Earope no doubt. By all meana Mr. Dole should visit Washiugton. A.vn-GrsH.