Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 24, 14 ʻOkakopa 1893 Edition 02 — NOTICE OF FORECI.OSURE OF MORTGAGE. [ARTICLE]
In acoordance with » power oi s*le eon-Uunt-d in n <-0110111 mortg.ige m.s>ie hr an i lwtwe«n KAHALKKOl’ af Keanh<>u, X. Kona, !sUn<i o( Hawaii. Hawaiian Isl«n>U. o( the first part, anii H. N. Cutb. Tmst«e, o( Hanolnln, Oahn, o( the eeemil part. dat«U Maroh 30th. A, D. 1S86, atni m»n!«si in the oi tlu» c( Oonieiauee», in Liiwr 04*. Kolioe 254 aud iV>. ami iaāgned by sai<i H. N. t'astle, Tmstee. to Nannr K. Lonia by instrament dated Jnne LUh, A. D. 1890. *nd reeoHed in Liber '.hi, Folio 2ō4, and (or breach • ( oonditkm o( lh« ahoee uientk>ned tuortg»pe there(ore the aasgnee o( aaid niortgage hereby gires noliee th\t she will <-airy iuto efiect the said powero( sale, and that al»er tbe cxpiratīon of three weeke (rom this <late, th*. premises mentioue<i in aaid mortgage will be sold at puhlio anctk>u at the salearuom o( L. J. LEV V in Honolnln, at 12 o'eloek noon o( the 4th day oi NoTember, A. D. 1893. For (nnher particulars inqcire o( J. L. KAULUKOP, Attorney (or Aa«ignee. NANCY K. LOlTS, Assiguee. Hoooluln, October I4tb, Ā. D. 1893. Premi«es d«6cribed in the abore menhoned mortgage: AU that pieee of land sitaate at Koinin, Kapalama. llonoluln. Oahn, being Apana I deacribe<l in deed from Kai.ihanio aud Kanpaakai to Kahalekoo, and reoorded in the (iffice of tbe Kegistrar o( Conveyance« in Liber 15, Eolio 344, and oontain:ng an area o( 50-100 acre. 24-3w