Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 24, 14 ʻOkakopa 1893 Edition 02 — Handicraft. [ARTICLE]
We are īn receipt of the Sept- j ember number of Hamdicra/i the school-psper of tbe Kameha- ' meh» Schools Tbe issne i> as n>ually got*en up in a very neat manner tho contents of coosiderabie interest lo everybody who has the e»laoation of Hawaiian» at keart. It is state»l that there has been a decrease in the nnmber of tbe bovs attending the school lhis ■ • . term. The c.ause is andoobtedly hanl times whieh botb foreigners and Hawaiians are experieneing. Under the pre«ent management of the schools po!itics we Quderstand bave been e«irainated a fact whieh is also indicateil by total aheenee of all references to annesatiou iu Handicraū. We hope that the schools will donrish agaiu aud c<-nstautly increase the nnmber of attendants.