Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 24, 14 October 1893 Edition 02 — Fuss and Feathers. [ARTICLE]
Fuss and Feathers.
Oapiain Bsrker *c<i the officen of tbe U. S. F. S. Fbils<.ie!phis cal)ed on President Dole yeeterday forenoon. Notwithsiamling the Star’s statemenf tbat the catl w*s simply a friendiy ami infonnal one, tbe President was attended on tbis oeeaaion by seren officers of the mihtary, two of biscolleagnes in theCabinet, three members of the AdTisory Conncil. and a Star reporter. AU of the attendents were clothed m their best. Two Companies of armed men were drawn np in line in front of the Palaee bnilding (Oh’ what desecration ■ to do the militan- honors. The Ti»itors arrivw.i and left all insidc of hfteeo niinato< As tbe occasiou did not retjaire any speeoh-makiog that part of tho ceremony was dispensed with. The honors accordetl to the Naval visitors yesterday, were those whieh are dae to persons of higher rank. That “official etiquetie had been moro than complied with fvide Star) waa not the fault of the visitors. but shows what asses the present Militarv Authorities ean make of tbemselves. NOTES FROM THE OLTSIDE. Speeches were disj»enseci with. Miuister Oamon did not bonor the occasion. The soldiers wore new clothes. Dr. II )dgers looked glutinous sospended from his sword. Major Potter was simply immense in his Acrobatic feats keeping ont of the way of his sword. Two Councilmen unaccnstomed to snch functions scooted away as soon as possible. Some of the “revolutions” ]>erformed by tbe two Coinpanies ou duty were said to V>e fino. Major McLeod put the two Companies throngh a “drill. ———