Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 24, 14 ʻOkakopa 1893 Edition 02 — A NEW DODGE! [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


— Th« Advertiaer Hitor blv ucting imder in«truct:on8 from headquarters will to-day mail the following hlank todifferent citizens and try to get thera to publicly 8tate their {K>litical viewe and 8Pntiraents. \Ve do not believe thal anybotly will take notice of the “artful dodgf*r’’ whoee gigintic braīn oonlmla the Advertiser, but it roay be of icterest to waleh thc reeulte. By the way we didn’t think that anyh«»dy who is against annezation was entitied to an opininn accorUing to iohnstone and ihe CIub. Evident ! y a change has eome over the drcams of our Lords and Ruler«. Hoeolulu, H I. Oct. 14th, 1893.

Dkar Sib: lt is the wish of the ‘‘Advcrtiser” tu get for publication a short opininn on the F.*litical question now paramount to aii otners from raembers of ali parties. \VouId you kitidly fill out the tollowiog hlank and send it to this offioe, addrcssed l*> the A 'ditor of tke Adrerti*tr ? l’leaae liunt yoorself to one hundreds words. \ ara a KovaIist. I vam sn Ann«xationist. f favor a Kepuhlie. (Draw a iine tbrough the two psrties that you do not f»vor.) For the following reasons: Sigoed.

Iber« u» rumurs abont a fresh | opiaio so*n UI. This time tbe I “stut!' bas been in Ka halai. The report indicstes tfaat the ring fell out. and tbat an in- < u s reste»l ami important partv s rubbed hia partner «nd sto!e the j dope himself. We ahall gire 1 some farther puiieaUn in our f next irsne abont this Utest in- < sUnce of tbe pnrity aud honestv j cf ihe anu x*Uoaist ofBciai& I