Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 24, 14 ʻOkakopa 1893 Edition 02 — TOPICS OF THE DAY. [ARTICLE]
Th«» letfcer vhich Chief Jo*tice Jathl vrote to Mr. McArtbar of the 7V»»y Hwiq*l an<l whieh we pnhlinheil ia.st week has create<l a great dea! of coranient It bas proven to the comitn’ that tbe head of tbe Jndician Dejwrtineut i» activelv «»ngaj;ed in politics. and it is genoralIy adraitted that sach a fact is unparaliele<1 in any civiIi*ed conntry. E\en in the United States, the most politicallv corrupt country known, we never hear of m Snpreme Jadge doing poldicd work and signing the T >lls of political organir. <tions. A Jndg« shon!d be above suspicion. Bat »ho ean believe in the impartialitv and integrity of a Judge, who, in the men whomust api>ear before him rocoguizespo!itical friends or polltical foes. In a certain way it is to be regretted that tho trne position and sentiments of the Chief Justice have heeoine kuown, because. it is v©ry unfortunate for the coautry that doubts shou!d arise as to the fairuess of our bighest court of Justice. On the other hand, it is perhaps well that onr eyes have l>een openeil. When the day of reconstrncting the governmeut here arrives, tbere will no longer 1m? any doabt of wliat is to be done to re-establish contidence in the Sapreae Coort.
An»i now tl«e Star «losires to sl«ip Mr. Do’o utl to Washingtoo. IMial he is goiog to ilo there is QnexpIa«neU, except tl«at he is to e.ill Nor«lhort a Iiar—wilhoui proving it, thougb, nud theu coni}K*te with other “Atubassadors" in diptomacy. By all raeans let him go. If Messrs. Thurston, Aiexander, Oleaon. Hastii>gsan*I evoo the janitor are not en >ugh tolookafter the inter j Hnwaii »ml raore especially of the annexation elnh, why «hip ortsorae uum». Send D>le.andthe eilitors of ihe Siar and the Advertiser (not in the same vessel thongb), seu*l Dr. Kodgersand the |>ilots (not at uiglii) seod them one and all -aud let them stav tbere for good.
'What iu the uamo of heaven i* Mr. Dol* going to uocompli$h vhich oaunoi bo don« by Thurs ton «nd Cump«oy. There hav« Ihm>u for v*nb*d from liere •boot adoxea men as eominission «rs and ministers and envovs aud «screUrIes «nd dosp«toh be«rere aud Go*f kuoars what and tbe pieoo« o i ihem Lave »11 beeu g.«tbered up and sbippe*l back in btskets aud nothing haa ever | been accoiupIishe*L Mr. Thnrs ' ton has his time inCbicago or he speeded off to San ! Franci*«oto attend io another dime tuusen u. Major Hast;ugs d<*parte*l for Maine presumably | g*tt ng tired of shaking hands with leading senators and iuter ! vie«nug Cirv*sham and du»l!y tbe Prefe»oor *gol io«t” some wherc and as no meniion is oaade . • o
of hiei in Wasbington papers he ha» pre«amably not reaterialised. If Mr. Dole needs the trip ■broad for his health well and good. All we ean say is. tbat tbe I coantry ahoohl not be made to pay his travelling expense«. Let ' the anuexatton clab with its nine tenth of all the weahh in Uawaii («ccording to Tharston) d>g ap the spoodalicks and ! pension otf Mr. Dole. To burd p n the treasary, *lr<?ady overbordened, with new ealla for salaries and fees and incidentals by establishing more junketing expeditions apparently to further a lost cau»e. bat virtually to provi<le sinecares for the pets who need a cbange of air and «cenerv is an outrage against whieh eveiy decent man and everv honest meaning citizen shoahl j>rotest. Gntve complaints are constant reaching us frora the Fish Market in reganl to the condition of the piaee and the laek of eleaniless. A plaee where footl is sold shonld certainly be kept in sach a shape that ail reasonable sanitan- demands are attended to. The Boanl of Heaith shonld.look into tho niatter and if tbe clerk of the iuarket does not feel inclined to atteud to his duties he sbon!d be removed. The Fisb Market in itself is a disgrace to the coraiuunity, but the condition of it isworse to-day than ever before.