Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 24, 14 ʻOkakopa 1893 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Th*o p. A_ Vr Bwnrx. ALOHA GALLERY Tomx >mji, H»vxxir. (F {Ktiirt.) Portraits & Landscapes la«i ColkftioB ci Ht«traa Vim. P. O. Box 49». W. S. LUCE| 5? 55 q AVine and Spirit Merchant CnmpieU Fir<-proof B!oci, MERCHANT ST. HONOLULU LEWIS & Co., Whoiesaie and Retaii 6rocers AXD PROYISION DEALERS. FRESH CALIF0RNIA SALM0N T ONICE By Ererr S*u Fraacisco St«*aier. S.vlt Salmo\ IX Barrei.s a Specialtv. iii Fort St . , Honolulu. Tel. 240, P. O. Box 297. H. MAY & C0., Tea Dcalers, Coffcc Roastcrs Provision Mcrchants 98 Fort Street, - Honolnlu Families, Plnntation$ and Ships supplied with choicest Europ€(i 7i & merica n Groceries Oalifornia Produce by Evenr Steamer. Theo. P. 8«vxrin. A.W. Eol,'Tkr. HAWAIIAN GALLERY, 467 XrrAxc Stkket, Hokolhlp, (Oppo. Qoeea Emau Hail). Views o£* the Island ConsUn'.ly on Hnnd. soch X»ures M»king P. l, Grass Honaea - HuULaln D«ncer&, ioooauul Gn>T«« Street Yi«vs and Hav«iūm Style R.ding Buildiogs, Palm and l>āte Grt>res War Tt'wb, 8hippiug «nd Mahne Vk»«, Alno. • I *rge CoJWtion o( «11 Prominent «nd In(era»Uug Vieva of the Hnwiian lsUa<Li either ovniited or oomoanted. ,taitnr Work S*!»cited. P,0. Boi 496. WIN6 WO TAI & Co.. Xo. 214 Xaaans 8tre*t, COMMlSSION MERCHANTS, Importer» aad Oealm in Gty L }JERCHA yDJS£. Fine Manila Cigars, Chinese and J*pan«se Ooek'n-waīe, M«ttings. Yase$ c( all kinda. Camphonrood Tnink$. Raltan Chair$. a Fine Aasoricient of Dress Silks. Brand$ of Chinese *nd Japaneso Teas o( Latest linjporUtions. lo$pection of New Goods Respectfnllv Solicited. Mntual Tei. 366. P. O. Box 158.