Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 23, 13 ʻOkakopa 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

W. S. LUCE m ’ 'Wine anei Spirit Mei*chant CampheU Firt-proof Uf>Kk, MERCHANT ST.. HONOLULU SANS S0UCi HOĪEL WAIKIKI, HONOLOLU. Filst-Class Accommodation for Tounsts and Island Guests. SUPERI0R BATH!NG FACILITIES. Private Cottages for FamilieS. oct9 T. A. SIMPSON. Manager. He wns in the ribbon department. Sbe saw him and rushed to meet hin. "Ah, I have fonnd yon at last’’’ She crieil. “This weary search that begun away la'st summer is now ended.” “What,” he askcd in j>erfect composure, “ean I do for yon r “I wautourengagementbroken. It has worried me more than tongne ean tell.” “Certainly miss. Isthereanytbing else to-day'”- -.īadijt. NA7I0NALIR0N W0RKS, Queen Stbeet, Between Alakea & Kiehanl Sts. THE UNDEB8IGN9D are pwpami to uiakr rll kinds of Irwn Br«ss. Bronzc, Zinc, Tin &nd Lead Castings. Also a General Kepair Shop for S»eam Engines. Rice MilU, Cora Mill», \Vater WhoeU, \Vind MilU, etc. Machines for the Cleaning of Coffee, C'aKtorUils, Beaa>, Ihunie, Sis«I, Pineapple Leares i other Fibroa« Planla, And Psper Stock. AI»o Maohiue» for Extracting St«rch from the Manioe, Arrow R<xit, etc. All Urd«rs promptly st1«ud«!<l to. WHITE, RITMAN <5t CO. WING WO i C0.. Mannfacturers and Dealers in Ladies , Gents’ «k Children's Boo^,^oe^lqRilep^ No. 3ō, ||| Honolalu. Nnuann Street»WS.P. O. I>ox 198 Boots and Shoes msde to order ia Best Style. ai holesale and KeUil Pneea, W1N6 WO TAI & Co.. So. 214 Naaanu Strret, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, !uporters ud Ooikn ia GE1FL MERCHAXDIS£. Fine Mauila Ciga». Chiueee ami Japanese Crock’nware, Hatting*. Vasee of all kinds, C*mphorwood Tmnks. Rsttan Chairs, a Fine Assortaaent of Dresa Silk*. Best Brands of Chinese and Jap*neso Te*s of Late»st lmport*tions. Inspection of New Qoods Respectfal!v Sol»cited. Mnto«l TeL 966. P. O. Box 158.