Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 23, 13 October 1893 — CORRSPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]
(We do not hold onrw>lre» respouuble for th<* upinione or the ntterauoos of our o>rrMpoadenM.] Ei>rron Holomua:— lt is not to be woudere«l at, tbat the P. G. wish to change thj name of the g>vernraent. when tbey aie loaile«l to tho briin with a set of prevuricators au«l scaiulal-mongere, butb maleand female, that wouUl sw.*mp the best government in the universe. Tlie present nnme of the governroent will do for the time bciug. it is the medus oj>eramii of the pets of the government that re«iaire tbe medicine, whieh they will soon receive in geuerous «lo$es. Hilo.