Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 23, 13 October 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
LEWIS & Co. Whoiesa)e and Retail 6rocer$ AXD PROVISION DEALERS. FREfl CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICB By E»«y Sui Frmncisco 8t«s«r. Salt Sal*on* in Barkels A SrECLALTT. iii Fert Sf., Tel. 140, P. O. Bex After a uight witb tbo boys Yoors for a olear heail- BromoSolteer. •‘Love” saūl tbe lectorer, *'is a psyhic mauifest3tioQ.'’ “ Yes,” raormureil a yoang man iu the auilieuoe. “I do the 8<ghing and her fo!ks do tbo kioking.’’— Iiulianapolūi Joumal. H. MilY & CD., Tea Deaiers, Coffee Roa8tcre & Provision Merchants 98 Fort Street, - Honolnlu Farailies, Plantations aud Ships supplied with choicest Enroptan &AmericanGrocerU* California Prodnce by Every Steamer ‘•So that Venus cost $10,000 T* “ Ye8.” “Well, why didn't they put clothes on her T' “Because the clothes wonld have cost $10,000 more, I puppoee. ’ ’ — Puek. Mrs. Wickwire--What mada you wink at tbe clerk when you were buying our so*la water * Mr. Wickware — Oh, that waa the sign of a 9ecret ordcr. 8. E. B. A sraall boy onee awalloweil a qt. Of iee creara, whieh mado him cavt. With pain and regrot. And he’a willing to bet That he'il do nothing more o( the st. —Xev York T,mei. Lon g Branch BATHING I Establishment. This Fir»t clasis Bathing Re«ort bas been enlareed and U now open to ihe puhlie. U is the best plaee on the Ulands to enjoy a bath and there U no bett©r plaee to lay off. Special aeeommodations for Ladie*. Tramcam paaa Ihe door rvery haif boorand on Satnrdars and Sundays cvery fifteen minrtee. JAMES SHERWOOO Proprietor.