Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 23, 13 ʻOkakopa 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
6rtrnl 3drrrtisrnnit$ H. F. BEBTELMANN. 00 N fBA'-TOK AND Bl'LLDE£. 96 King St., Bell TeIephone 107. CHAS. MOLTENO. -C?" TONSORI.U> ART!ST. No. 511 King Str©et, Honoluln. H. I. Give ine a trial. hl. LOSE, IS"otai'v’ !Public. Collector cmd General Bn$iness Agent. Matn*l Telephou« 8. P. O. Box 33$. Merchant street, Honolnln. Thh>, P. Sn nn>‘. A. W. Bou«tkk, ALOHAGALLERY 515 Fobt Street. Hosou"Lr. (U p-sUirs.) Portraits & Landscapes Fin**«t Collection of Hanraiian Views. P. O. Box 49$. ESTABL1SHED A. D. 1863. Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! IB A JC K R Y amd Ice Cream Parlors F. HORN, Proprietor.| PRACTICAL ('oiiMiiei* & Oi'D;iiii('iiter In all hrmnehes of th« hnaineM on thne islands. AMERICAN, FRENCH, ENGLISH axd GERMAN PASTR1ES MADE TO ORDER. \Veddino and Birth-dav CAK.ES Matle of the ven* best material, nnsurpasso«l in richness of qoali' t>* aml ornamenteil in onapproachable style. at lower prices than any other establishment in Honolulu. Famiiy \ Fancy Bpsad, Goara Jelly, Preserved Tamarinda and Tamarind Syrup. ALL CONFECTIONERY Mannfactored at my Establishment are Gnaranteed b be Posittteli Prf.r and sold at prices no other establishmeat ean eompeie with. FACTORY * STORE, No. 71 Hom. Steeit, Between Nnnann asd Fort 8treets BOTH TELBPHOKEg So. U.