Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 22, 12 October 1893 — MITCHELL SIGNS. [ARTICLE]
The English Pugilist Agrees to Fight at Coney Island. New York, Sept. 23.—Chnrlie Mitchell this afternoon signed the articles to figbt Jim Corbett at the Goney lsland Club for the champiouship abont December 18th. The articles will be taken to Ashbury Park to-morrow for Corbetfc's signature. Tbe purse is $40,000. After signing the articles Mitehell eypressed hiraself as being thorooghly satisfied. The articles whieh Mitchell signed eall for a scienfcific glove contest of twenty rouuds or more, for a pnrse of $40,tXK), tn take plaee before the Coney Island Athletic Club. New York. between the 5th and 20th of December, 1893, ander the Marquis of Qneensberrv rules, tbe winner to receive the full purse of $40.000 without reservation. The gloy;s shall be of not less weight than fivo ounces. The clnb and both men deposit a forf«it to secure the matcb.